


True love never ends.

Jotenkin angstinen olo.Lauantai 13.05.2006 16:30

Why don't you kill yourself!
Slit your wrists.
Slit the right one
now the left.

As a symbol for our end.
Hang yourself in the stairs.

Throw yourself in front of
a eighteen wheel semi truck.

Try to stick your pencils, up your nose
and smashing it into a table

Take a shotgun
and blow out your brain.
Your not using it anyway.

People don't care.
This is how life goes.

Take a heroin overdose.
Your death is your extascy
and it beats lusting for me.

Why don't you kill yourself
Slit your wrists.

Hang yourself in the stairs.
Throw yourself in front of
a eighteen wheel semi truck.

Try to stick your pencils, up your nose
and smashing it into a table

Take a shotgun
and blow out your brain.
Your not using it anyway.

People don't care.
This is how life goes.

Take a heroin overdose.

Carpathian Forest - Cold Murderous Music

olo saattaa tietenkin johtua siitä etten nukkunut viime yönä :)

EDIT: tää biisi on vaan niin helmi, pakko kuunnella vähä välii :D

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