


on perinteinen pallo C:

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

ei vitsit x3Lauantai 03.03.2007 20:03

"The pair will go about collecting all sorts of little Japanese trinkets together, watching Naruto and Battle Royale endlessly together and making statements like, "Isn't it kawaii how they loved eachother so much they jiatsu'd off the cliff together desu ka?" while secrectly wishing they'd actually found a Japanese person, or at least an Azn."

ja myöhemmi YouTubessa:

"sKinSonLy (2 hours ago)
this is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F4 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd!"

//edit: hei muutes, "weird" on kirjotettu väärin! :D
oih. x3
juu seikkailin vähä yhessä encyclopedia dramaticassa. kattelin huvikseni, mitä sinne on kirjotettu... ^^'

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