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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.04.2009 19:52

Today I saw you twice,
and both times I stared at you a while.
But right when you turned,
I looked away.
I think you saw my stare,
but ignored it.

It's funny, how I can't move my eyes from you.
And sometimes you watch back for a while.
It warms me, and I hope
that you'll listen the song I sent you
and understand what I'm trying to say.
Becouse there is allways a little part of me
which wants to remove the message,
so hurryup and click the link.

I hope that you wont start to glare at me,
and even try to understand.
And if there is no more feelings there than my own,
we could forget about it all.
I know that I might look like a weirdo,
and my friends are like me too.
But that's not all of me.
You don't know me.
I'm not even sure that you remember my name.
I am so much more than you might think.
I have a sensitive side, and for my missfortune,
I've grown a shell around me,
and it's getting sronger and stonger.
No one has broke through yet,
and it will be a hard task to do.
But when it's done, it's done.
There will be no such thing again.

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