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I'm going out of my mind.Perjantai 24.04.2009 17:26

This is getting really painful.
The chance that you will never be mine
makes me burn inside.
The thought of you with someone else,
turns my stomach upside down.
I get jealous easily,
and the fact that my friend likes you too...

I'm going nuts.

I know I'm going to get hurt.
But there is always a little hope there.
I'm trying to stay positive,
but I know that it's gonna hurt more,
the more I wait and think about it.

And even if we started going out,
I know that I'm horrible in relationships.
The shell is still existing,
and it's starting to get uncomfortable and too small for me.
I want to grow out of it.
But I wont do it alone.
I need you by my side.

...Good god.

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