


has a serious attitude(problem).

EpicedeKeskiviikko 10.09.2008 00:16

Do not break the gilded shell,
a mask to hide my decaying poetry
Do not look through the glass,
a window to my withering garden

Teach me to fill my passion,
Find the words for you
For the fall, for the beauty
For you
The words, the poison, that I am inhaling,
For you

Do not unlace the crimson gown
a decadence entwining on my skin
Do not undress the veil,
a curtain between mourning, you and my kin

Teach me to fill my passion,
Find the words for you
For the fall, for the beauty
For you
The words, the poison, that I am inhaling,
For you

This elegy is not for me nor you,
It's for the words that makes me feel,
For you

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