


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

What would it take,
for things to be quiet,
quiet like the snow?
I know, this isn't much,
but I know, I could,
I could be better.
I dont think i deserve it, selflessness.
find your way into my heart
all stars could be brighter,
all hearts could be warmer.
what would it take,
for things to be be quiet,
quiet like the snow?
are we meant to be empty handed?
I know, I could,
I could be better.
I don't think i deserve it, selflesness.
find your way into my heart
all stars could be brighter,
all hearts could be warmer.
(what would it take?)
(what would it take?)
What would it take for things to be quiet?

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