ekaak esrtaa elämässäni ajoin parran partaveitsellä eikä samu ees kuollu eikä sille tullu yhtää haavaa :D
mulle tuli pikkurillii haaava XD
mut kui pelottavaaa se oikeesti oli mut silti onnistu muahahawawaw >8)
Don't think I won't forget the things you've done
Don't think you won't regret forbidding fun
I've drawn my line with you in the sand
Right now you are the one who is unforgiven
I am a lion and I want to be free Do you see a lion when you look inside of me? Outside the window just to watch you as you sleep Cause I am a lion born from things you cannot be
How can I sleep at night, there's a war inside my head I found the lion hidden right beneath my bed I will not hide myself from the tears you have shed Cause I am a lion and you are dead