


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.01.2013 23:35

Though it's been a while now
I can still feel so much pain
Like a knife that cuts you the wound heals
But the scar, that scar remains

ONNELLLISUUDEN HUIPENNUS♥Maanantai 21.01.2013 20:09



So what is wrong with me ?Perjantai 18.01.2013 12:58

sydän kuuluu ja hengitys kulkeee mikä siis vikana
kun mikään ei enää tunnu miltään?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.01.2013 12:55

I can't remember the last time
That I said goodbye, or that I even tried
I'm becoming afraid, it's already to late
I'm on my knees, please help me stay alive

I hope this isn't my last night
As I lose my mind, and try to save my life
I'm becoming afraid, it's already too late
I'm on my knees, please help me stay alive

Take my hand
Don't let me fade away
Don't let me fade away
Don't let me die today

Take my hand
I'll pray for you today
I beg to see another day
Don't let me die today
I'm on my knees, please help me stay alive

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.01.2013 12:04

I can't believe in you
I'd see you another day another way
Nobody's standing near
There's something you can't see or feel baby
Yeah, I'm sorry

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.01.2013 12:00

I keep on trying to reach you with my broken legs
How many times have you seen me when I fall
But now I know you're not the only thing like before

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.01.2013 23:26

I've got this funny feeling
a terrible feeling
my mind was never there

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.01.2013 22:49

Que se llevará la veneno mi sangre
no las palabras ni la medicina
con tu corazón libre con amor

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.01.2013 17:40

Empty hearts
Wasted hopes
Forgotten dreams
Broken Bones

All the time that i was lost
I have learned my lesson well
From cradle to grave
what have i become
what doesn't kill makes me more strong

Diamonds everywhereKeskiviikko 16.01.2013 17:25