


The pain will never fail.

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♥♥Torstai 09.07.2009 01:43

The fruit is speechless
before our sorceries
the party has just begun
Time lapse and dancing and rotting in place
And we have reached the high end of low
The high end of low
The high end of low

You can take me,
The grave can take me
The earth is waiting to eat us alive
I love you damaged,
I need human wreckage
I have to look up just to see Hell

Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run
Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run

The core of a woman is where her body
chooses to revolve like a corpse
centrifugal, melted under the skin,
into the napalm heart I explode,
I explode
I explode

You can take me,
The grave can take me
The earth is waiting to eat us alive
I love you damaged,
I need human wreckage
I have to look up just to see Hell

Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run
Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run

The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness will never understand it
The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness will never understand it
The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness will never understand it
The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness will never understand it

Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run
Fallen, fallen, fallen from grace
Now for you
This is why you should run

~Marilyn Manson - I have to look up just to see hell~

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