
god....Lauantai 29.11.2008 01:59

The purpose of this study is to learn more about people's views of spirituality and religion.
We are interested in all views regarding religion. Even if you are atheist, agnostic, or questioning, please respond to as many questions as possible.

Which term best describes your religious/spiritual opinion/point of view?
Apostolic Christian
Atheist <----
Conservative Judaism
Eastern Orthodox
Evengelical Lutheran
Greek Orthodox
Latter Day Saint/Mormon
Roman Catholic
Seventh Day Adventist
Shia Muslim
Sunni Muslim
Unitarian Universalist
United Methodist
Zen Buddhist

Choose the statement that best describes yourself:
I am spiritual and religious.
I am spiritual but not religious.
I am religious but not spiritual.
I am neither spiritual nor religious. <----

My ideas about religion are one of the most important parts of my philosophy of life.
Strongly disagree

I have a duty to help those who are confused about religion.
Strongly disagree

Even though it may create some unpleasant situations, it is important to help people become enlightened about religion.
Strongly disagree

If my ideas about religion were different, I believe that my way of life would be very different.

There is no point in arguing about religion because there is little chance of changing other peopleÂ’s minds.
Strongly agree

I find that my ideas on religion have a considerable influence on my views in other areas.

I very often think about matters relating to religion.
Strongly disagree

Believing as I do about religion is very important to being the kind of person I want to be.
Strongly disagree

I believe the world would really be a better place if more people held the views about religion which I hold.
Strongly agree

It doesnÂ’t really matter what an individual believes about religion as long as he is happy with it.

Religion is a subject in which I am not particularly interested.

I believe the worldÂ’s problems are seriously aggravated by the fact that so many people are misguided about religion.

There are many religious issues on which my views are still changing.
Strongly disagree

It might be said that I value my religious doubts and uncertainties.
Strongly disagree

I have been driven to ask religious questions out of a growing awareness of the tensions in my world and in my relation to my world.
Strongly disagree

I do not expect my religious convictions to change in the next few years.
Strongly agree

I am constantly questioning my religious beliefs.
Strongly disagree

I was not very interested in religion until I began to ask questions about the meaning and purpose of my life.
Strongly disagree

As I grow and change I expect my religion also to grow and change.
Strongly disagree

For me, doubting is an important part of what it means to be religious.
Strongly disagree

My life experiences have led me to rethink my religious convictions.
Strongly agree

God wasnÂ’t very important to me until I began to ask questions about the meaning of my own life.
Strongly disagree

I find religious doubts upsetting.
Strongly disagree

Please answer the questions. If you feel a question does not apply to you, you may leave it blank.

I go to church because it helps me to make friends.
en mee ;)

My whole approach to life is based on my religion.
Strongly disagree

I have often had a strong sense of GodÂ’s presence.
Strongly disagree

I enjoy reading about my religion.
Strongly disagree

It is important to me to spend time in private thought and prayer.
Strongly disagree

It doesnÂ’t much matter what I believe so long as I am good.

I try hard to live all my life according to my religious beliefs.
Strongly disagree

Although I am religious, I donÂ’t let it affect my daily life.
en oo religious

I go to church mainly because I enjoy seeing people I know there.
on parempi paikkoi tohon

Although I believe in my religion, many other things are more important in life.
Strongly agree

I pray mainly to gain relief and protection.
en puhu seinille

I go to church mostly to spend time with my friends.
ei tullu ees ajatuksiin

Prayer is for peace and happiness.
Strongly disagree

What religion offers me most is comfort in times of trouble and sorrow.
Strongly disagree

How often do you engage in the following practices?

Donate money to charity
Nearly Never

Attend religious services

Contribute money to a religious institution



Read religious texts

Please answer the questions. If you feel a question does not apply to you, you may leave it blank.
huh huh 5 minutis tää piti olla tehty lol

There is no body of teaching or set of scriptures, which is completely without error.
Very strongly agree

The basic cause of evil in this world is Satan, who is still constantly and ferociously fighting against God. (reps)
Very strongly disagree

'Satan' is just the name people give to their own bad impulses. There really is no such thing as a diabolical 'Prince of Darkness' who tempts us.
strongly agree

The long-established traditions in religion show the best way to honor and serve god, and should never be compromised.
Very strongly disagree

GodÂ’s true followers must remember that he requires them to constantly fight Satan and SatanÂ’s allies on this earth.

There is a religion on this earth that teaches, without error, GodÂ’s truth.
Very strongly disagree

Different religions and philosophies have different versions of the truth and may be equally right in their own way.
Very strongly disagree

God has given mankind a complete, unfailing guide to happiness and salvation, which must be totally followed.
Very strongly disagree

Parents should encourage their children to study all religions without bias, then make up their own minds about what to believe.
Very strongly disagree

It is silly to think people can be divided into 'the Good' and 'the Evil.' Everyone does some good, and some bad things.
Very strongly agree

No one religion is especially close to God, nor does God favor any particular group of believers.
Very strongly disagree

To lead the best, most meaningful life, one must belong to the one, true religion.
Very strongly disagree

God will punish most severely those who abandon his true religion.
Very strongly disagree

All of the religions in the world have flaws and wrong teachings.
Very strongly agree

No single book of religious writings contains all the important truths about life.
Very strongly agree

Of all the people on this earth, one group has a special relationship with God because it believes the most in his revealed truths and tries the hardest to follow his laws.
Very strongly disagree

It is more important to be a good person than to believe in God and the right religion.
Very strongly agree

Religion must admit all its past failings and adapt to modern life if it is to benefit humanity.
Very strongly agree

When you get right down to it, there are only two kinds of people in the world: the Righteous, who will be rewarded by God and the rest, who will not.
Very strongly disagree

Whenever science and sacred scripture conflict, science must be wrong.
Very strongly disagree

Please answer the following questions. If you feel a question does not apply to you, you may leave it blank.

It always seems that I am doing things wrong.
Very strongly disagree

Spirituality is an important part of who I am as a person.
Very strongly disagree

I feel a sense of closeness to a higher power.
Very strongly disagree

I am not comfortable with myself.
Very strongly disagree

I practice some form of prayer.
Very strongly disagree

I believe that God or a Higher Power is responsible for my existence.
Very strongly disagree

My life is often troublesome.

I believe that going to religious services is important.
Very strongly disagree

I have had an experience in which I seemed to transcend space and time.
Very strongly agree

I believe witchcraft is real.
Very strongly disagree

I often feel tense.
strongly disagree

I have had an experience in which I seemed to go beyond my normal everyday sense of self.
Very strongly disagree

I am more aware of my lifestyle choices because of spirituality.
Very strongly disagree

It is possible to communicate with the dead.
Very strongly disagree

I believe that attention to oneÂ’s spiritual growth is important.
Very strongly disagree

I have had an experience in which I seemed to merge with a power or force greater than myself.
Very strongly disagree

My life has benefited from my spirituality.
Very strongly disagree

I think psychokinesis, or moving objects with oneÂ’s mind, is possible.

It is possible to predict the future.
Very strongly disagree

I have had an experience in which all things seemed divine.
Very strongly agree

I try to consider all elements of a problem, including its spiritual aspects, before I make a decision.
Very strongly disagree

It is possible to leave your body.
Very strongly disagree

I am an unhappy person.
Very strongly disagree

Much of what I do in life seems strained.
Very strongly disagree

I have had an experience in which I seemed to be deeply connected to everything.
Very strongly disagree

I have had a mystical experience.
Very strongly disagree

Spirituality is an essential part of human existence.
Very strongly disagree

I see myself as a religiously oriented person.
Very strongly disagree

I do not believe in spirits or ghosts.
Very strongly disagree

I see God or a Higher Power present in all the things I do.
Very strongly disagree

Please answer this last set of questions.

In most ways my life is close to my ideal.
Strongly agree

The conditions of my life are excellent.
Strongly agree

I am satisfied with my life.
Strongly agree

So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.

If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

Thank you for your participation.

--One of the questionnaires you answered assessed how important you consider religion. For example, one of the questions was: 'I very often think about matters relating to religion.'
Your average importance score for these questions was 3.08. out of 7.

--Another of the questionnaires assessed how much you value the 'quest' dimension of religion and spirituality. Some of the items on this scale were 'As I grow and change I expect my religion also to grow and change.' and 'For me, doubting is an important part of what it means to be religious. '
The higher your score, the more strongly you tended to agree with items such as these. Your score was 2.27 out of 9.

huh huh...ootin paljon parempaa palautettä....jäi vaa selväks...with religion u ll only find bullshit

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