
The Personal Hygiene Test Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 20:26

Is your cleanliness next to godliness or just god-awful? Are people afraid to stand downwind from you? Grab that sponge and take The Personal Hygiene Test!

1. Would you let a dog lick your face?

X No

2. Do you think it is necessary to shower after sex?

X Yes

3. Do you always wash your hands after using the restroom?

X No

4. Every time you go over to your new boyfriend or girlfriend's house, it is filthy. Do you:

X Say nothing.

Confront them about their mess.

Break up with them.

5. How often do you wash your sheets?

Once a week.

X Every 2 weeks.

Once a month or longer.

6. Would you use a public toilet without lining it first?

X Yes

7. Would you be comfortable wearing the same underwear twice without washing them?

X Yes

8. Would you use your mate's toothbrush?

X No

9. You drop a cookie on the sidewalk. Do you pick it up and eat it?

X No

10. Do you pee in the shower?

X No

Your score is: 55

When it comes to hygiene, you're a happy, healthy medium. You know the importance of cleanliness, both for protection against nasty germs and to maintain a decent appearance, but you don't go to extremes. When the situation calls for a little flexibility - like camping and having to use a grimy outdoor toilet - you're willing to suck it up and tolerate a less than hygienic situation. Generally, though, you make the effort to avoid micro-creepies and crawlies. Depending on your answers to specific questions on the test, you seem to be winning the war against germs. If you answered, however, that you don't always wash your hands after using the loo, this would be a good time to reassess your habits!

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