


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.11.2006 23:40

And there she goes
all by herself
Walking under the citylights
turning heads of opposite sex
and rises the value of HEX

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
After midnight
she comes to my sweetest dreams

She's again on the road
seems to found a guy
and they're going on the boat
In my mind I say: "Hi"
but she'd answer: "Bye bye"

Still she's on my mind
In my thoughts, in my eyes
I can't see her anywhere
Oh, tell me: "Where she hides?"
"Look upon the stars, you'll find the answer there"

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
After midnight
she comes to my sweetest dreams

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
Yesterday evening
she came to my nightmares

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