Tässä siis Transform Drug Policy Foundationille kirjoittamani sähköposti.
Dear TDPF,
I want to thank you for providing useful information regarding the emerging drug problem caused mostly by harsh prohibition laws.
We don't have so many blogs addressing the problems arising from the prohibition here in Finland, so I decided to start one myself. I wanted to let you know that your work has inspired me to take action and address these problems in my blog. Finland must know about the issues of the current policy. I strongly support the work you do and hope to see you continue it.
I am currently promoting your new groundbreaking book "After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation" in my blog. You can check it out here: http://epakohtiamaailmalta.blogspot.com/
Google Translate-version (not very accurate):
Feel free to read my other posts as well.
If you have some more time in your hands, some feedback and comments wouldn't hurt!
Sincerely yours,
Muistakaa kiittää ihmisiä, se on jees ^^