


Maailma on Sunn O)))

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Tasapainoa ja kaikkea semmostaLauantai 05.05.2012 04:33

Tietty se piti rumpuäänitysten perään vähän olla kipeenäkin. Mutta seuraavan kerran ku pääsen treenikselle, on luvassa sitä niinsanottua soundia, sillä BAT Black Forest Overdrive saapui.

Kyllä ny on kulahtanu oloMaanantai 30.04.2012 05:28

Rumpuäänitykset ohi. Ja vaikkei siinä ite paljoa mitään rasittavaa tehny, ni on kyllä murjottu olo kuitennii.

Mutta hei, pian tulee ääninäytettäki!

CÂœurPerjantai 27.04.2012 02:20

Huomenna on sit studion aika. Sen kunniaks tänään uuden biisin sanat. Ollaanhan me tätä jo livenä soiteltukin, mutta nyt se menee sit levyllekin.

It's labyrinthine where I've followed you,
It's dark and peril lies ahead.
You've taken me where I fear to tread,
Accidental siren in my view.

Your eyes, your smile,
They drive me

Dear friend, have mercy,
Your path is crushing me.
Let go of this halter
That you hold unwillingly.

Tears fall, heart is breaking,
But no fetters constrict me.
I will sit down and weep.
Your path has broken me.

Loveless Moonlight/Cruel DawnTorstai 26.04.2012 01:54

Ja sit se demon kolmas kappale. Tästäkin ollaan puhuttu, että tehtäis uus versio.

Before me, this landscape overwhelming,
In sombre monochrome it speaks to me
Of choises made, of chances thrown away,
And brooding sorrow took abode in me.

A sweet smell fills my lungs, I'm choking,
Washed by the moonlight that feels nothing.
Lovelorn I gaze at the celestial body,
But in its glow there is no hope for me.

Awestruck I stand, frozen, gazing at stars,
Feeling so meaningless and trivial.
I'm mesmerised by the vastness of space,
My self diminishing and fading.

There is no sorrow left for me to feel,
My feelings frozen by the cold moonlight.
But a red glow in the horizon
Tells me that they will soon be thawed.

Colours slowly begin to re-emerge,
Darkness subsides, a sense of longing
Awakens in me; a burning passion.
I'm myself again, this pain defines me.

I throw myself down on the ground and shake,
Clutching myself, overtaken by grief.
Fatigued by wonders of the night I lie
And wallow in a fit of great despair.

The sun is climbing up its weary arch,
I let its warmth and light wash over me,
Then turn my face away in dismay.
How can these loving rays mock me this way?
They tell me, though myself, I am nothing.
I can see: in all this I am so small.

Though it is light, it is not light I see.
Each morning so far left its mark in me.

In the TrenchTiistai 24.04.2012 17:50

Jatkoa Dear Evalle. Tämä kappale löytyy Chapter III -ep:ltä.

A vast plutonian deep,
devoid of light.
A tremendous weight
is crushing my lungs.

Swallowing the brine,
I reflect and realize:
Your friends die laughing.

Fettered, no doubt,
by my own actions.
The angler fish are noble,
they provide me with light.

They said if I believe
my dreams could come true,
but my dreams are nightmares now
that they're still of you.

Perhaps you'll hear my words from the deep,
Uttered to convey this meaning:
Dear Eva,
I need you like I need the water I breathe.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 24.04.2012 00:21

Ole niin hyvä ja vilauta pyrstöä.

Alone, Into the Silence of IceMaanantai 23.04.2012 03:52

Tässä vaiheessa sitten yhteiskuntakritiikkiä. Tää tuntuu monille olevan "se hyvä biisi."

The chilly breath of years,
Thousands before you,
Wreaths you in its cold arms,
Binds your limbs and tongue.

Hatred of yester-years,
All the havoc wrought.
Future holds no prospect warmer,
We will all freeze to death.

No words, no song, no sighs,
No screams, no cries.
Deflect the sun, alone,
into the silence of ice.

Dear EvaSunnuntai 22.04.2012 03:25

Nyt ollaan sitten päästy kiinni The Silence from Your Roomin lihaan ja meikän epäonnistuneisiin ihmissuhteisiin.

Each new day greets me with greyness.
A phantom pain replaces what was cut out.
In a fit of passion I embrace the floor,
It will not let me fall further.

I'm wrapping myself inside me,
Lest I freeze to death.
The sun is cold to me now,
You took the warmth away.

Life has taught me not to hope,
Yet hope lives on.
Have I learned nothing?

Won't you come closer to my side?
Don't you know that I'm still here?
Dear Eva,
The silence from your room is stifling.

Why won't you come closer to my side?
You know that I'm still here.
Dear Eva,
The words you don't say are stifling.

What went wrong
In that mind of yours?

O, you vile temptress,
You had me in your snare.
I would have worshipped
The earth beneath your feet.

Your mouth stayed shut, but in your eyes
I saw a fire had turned to ice.

Chanson d'HiverLauantai 21.04.2012 03:36

Nyt on vuorossa The Silence from Your Room -albumin ensimmäinen sanoitettu kappale. Omistettu poistuneelle ystävälle.

It's so white all around
In the clear light of day,
Distances are hard to make out,
And so are shapes.
A freezing wind blows,
And in addition
Tears and snowflakes in my eyes
Are blurring my vision.

This time of year I'm reunited
With the demons I thought I'd lost in the summer.
A desperate frolic through this harrowing beauty,
It feels as though the winter never leaves.

I'm dragging my husk through the snowfall
On an obscure path that leads nowhere.
Wintertime always brings out the sadness in me
And a recurring nightmare has the face of a dead friend.

You never thought you'd die like this, right?
No one to hold your hand.
The ambrosia you have drunk was drawn from Lethe.
Before the first flowers of spring graves bloom in winter.

Picturesque, PetrifiedPerjantai 20.04.2012 16:20

Seuraavana vuorossa "se nopea kappale", eli kavereiden kesken "PiPe." Tämä löytyy demolta, jolle antoi myös nimensä, sekä viimeisimmältämme, Chapter III -ep:ltä.

No movement in my sight,
No wind blows.
The landscape is paralysed,
Silver bands hold me.

My wailing echoes
Through the void
Though my mouth is shut
And no one else is there.

The wind is picking up,
Still no movement in the trees.
But my voice fades away.
I sink into darkness.

Never sleeping, dead, I dream
Of faint movement in the soil.
Broken by decay, life unfolds
In a myriad of planes.
My presence rectified
As I plunge into a new
Hallucination, it confounds me.
How can I be?

Skeletal trees, never moving.
No matter how I run,
I stay still. They mock me
For I can't grow wings.

Frozen utterly, amidst this loss
Of my sanity, fighting fear.
Emptiness is all that I have,
It is my own.

My mind repeating
A passage I read.
I whisper to myself:
"Nothing hurts."

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