


loput kuvat listalaisille

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.01.2008 12:09

"I watched as you rushed out the door and into the rain
Leaving crowded conversation, lacking comfort therein
And fearing youd succumb to grief and be swept away
I followed in your footsteps and trailed in your wake

So youd know, youre not alone

Then you fell into my arms and cried out between sobs
You said why did this have to happen? and why couldnt it be stopped?
And staring through the darkness and into your face I said,
my dear there are some things that no one can change

But know youre not alone
just tell me you know that youre not alone

when everything around you begins to tumble down
and the world starts tasting sour, as surely it is bound to
I know it isnt easy but dont you give up on me
Always remember this, cause its the only thing that matters at all

No one said its easy
Letting go, accepting
When youre hoping that it might change
And clinging to the memories

You say, Im not a strong girl, and its alright,
But I dont think that I take this much more
I say, I feel the same way, but its alright
Just stay in my arms and
tell me you know

youre not alone
just tell me you know
youre not alone

when everything around you begins to tumble down
and the world starts tasting sour, as surely it is bound to
I know it isnt easy but dont you give up on me
Always remember this, cause its the only thing that matters at all

That you hold on, hold on, just hold on

Well just Hold your breath and look out the window
Know the clouds wont hang forever
seasons always change, eventually
and as tortured thoughts scream out like a banshee
drain your hope and tear at your valor
think of what I said and promise me
youll hold on

Now breathe again with eyes out the window,
watch the clouds start to dissolve
replacing grief with a thousand memories
feel it coming back again
forcing all the wounds to mend
and patching all the holes punched in your life,
and making it alright

when everything around you begins to tumble down
and the world starts tasting sour, as surely it is bound to
I know it isnt easy but dont you give up on me
And always know that you are not alone"

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