


I Wanna Be Cremated \m/

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Children of bodom-BlooddrunkTiistai 11.03.2008 09:34

They said drinking is a way to die.
But at the end, dying is a way to drink.

I'll break or dance, let you decide.
Too much of foreign you bring on by.
Do you have something to blame in such short time?
You are the one crying.

Degenerate, throwing the wreck of life.
Someone is spilling your own blood.
That's very hot, scars already made.
Ready for another drink anyone?

They talk to you but no we don't.
We thought maybe you could restore.
Day over day, they should get it hard
Yes we die, they could never stop.

Wasted again.
Decide or play with faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.

Degenerate, dropping the wreck of life.
Someone is spilling your own blood.
That's very hot, scars already made.
Ready for another drink anyone?

Wasted again.
Decide or play with faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.

Wasted again.
Decide or play with faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.

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