


I Wanna Be Cremated \m/

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WWE Kane ThemeMaanantai 23.04.2007 23:26

Kane's Theme

The wonder of the world is gone I know for sure.
All the wonder that I want I've found in her.
As a whole becomes a part I strike to burn.
And the flame returns.

Every intuition fails to find its way.
One more table turned around and back again.
Finding I'm more lost than found when she's not around.
When she's not around I feel it coming down.

Get me what I could never ask for.
Connect me and you could be my chemical, now.
Give me the drug you know I'm after.
Connect me and you could be my chemical.

When everybody wants (the chemical of) your soul.
When everybody wants (the chemical of) your soul.
When everybody wants your soul.
When everybody wants your soul.

Chorus (x2)
You could be the chemical.

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