


He's a sick sick, sick gone man

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Demented Are Go - Country WomanMaanantai 20.07.2009 14:48

Country woman you really turn me on
Toss me off when i'm toking a bong
I'll never leave you i'm going to stay
Country woman wants her wicked way
I'll never leave you i'll suck your twat
Cutest little ring piece that's where it's at

Jesus i'm in love
Jesus i'm in love
A gift sent from heaven
From the good lord up above

I met her on a pig farm
On the edge of the unknown
She wasn't good looking
But i had to take her home
Her face was like a rhino
Her body was blubber and fat
But when i looked between her cheeks
I knew that's where it's at
Country woman blues

Jesus i'm in love
Jesus i'm in love
A gift sent from heaven
From the good lord up above

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