


He's a sick sick, sick gone man

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Dont go into woods !Maanantai 20.07.2009 18:02

Dont go into woods ! you never come back.......

Demented Are Go - Country WomanMaanantai 20.07.2009 14:48

Country woman you really turn me on
Toss me off when i'm toking a bong
I'll never leave you i'm going to stay
Country woman wants her wicked way
I'll never leave you i'll suck your twat
Cutest little ring piece that's where it's at

Jesus i'm in love
Jesus i'm in love
A gift sent from heaven
From the good lord up above

I met her on a pig farm
On the edge of the unknown
She wasn't good looking
But i had to take her home
Her face was like a rhino
Her body was blubber and fat
But when i looked between her cheeks
I knew that's where it's at
Country woman blues

Jesus i'm in love
Jesus i'm in love
A gift sent from heaven
From the good lord up above

Nekromantix - mama don't allowSunnuntai 19.07.2009 03:00

Well, Mama don't allow no coffin bass round here
Well, Mama don't allow no coffin bass round here
Well, we don't give a damn what Mama don't allow
Gonna play that coffin anyhow
Mama don't allow no coffin bass round here
Slap that bass for me!

Well, Mama don't allow no hound drums playin' round here
Well, Mama don't allow no hound drums playin' round here
Well, we don't give a damn what Mama don't allow
Gonna play those hound drums anyhow
Mama don't allow no hound drums playin' round here
Play those hound drums now!

Well, Mama don't allow no guitar playin' round here
Well, Mama don't allow no guitar playin' round here
Well, we don't give a damn what Mama don't allow
Gonna play that banjo anyhow
Mama don't allow no guitar playin' round here
All right, go for it!

Well, Daddy don't allow no psychobilly round here
Well, Daddy don't allow no psychobilly round here
Well, we don't give a damn what Daddy don't allow
Gonna play that psycho anyhow
Daddy don't allow no psychobilly round here
This is for you, Daddy!

Well, Roy don't allow no psychobilly round here
Well, Roy don't allow no psychobilly round here
Well, we don't give a damn what Roy don't allow
Gonna play that psycho anyhow
Roy don't allow no psychobilly round here

Well, Mama should allow we all to say goodbye
Well, Mama should allow we all to say goodbye
Well, we're gonna do what Mama don't allow
We're gonna say goodbye and twist and shout
Mama's gonna allow us all to say goodbye

Olipas jännä reissu :)Perjantai 17.07.2009 13:07

Lompakostani on hävinnyt noin 40€ :--DD muutama pullo karjalaa ja muutama drinkki ^^

^^Keskiviikko 15.07.2009 19:42

Kuka lähtee huomenna ryyppäämään? =D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.07.2009 13:56

Have you see when your life goes thrue your eyes like a short film?

:)Perjantai 03.07.2009 02:11

Jaa et lähen huomenna Lontooseen kolmeks päiväks :) pistäkääs vähän kommentteja ^^

;)Tiistai 23.06.2009 17:57

Baby you are my blue sunshine

:DMaanantai 22.06.2009 14:41

My sweet baby, she past away
I can't forget the things she used to say
It's the only thing for me to do
I have to leave, but I'll sure miss you

We used to play this innocent game
At the graveyard we often came
Naked in the night all alone
Lying in the grass, beside the tombstone