


This shit is bananas!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.02.2009 20:21

The Frozen love burns

I`m deep in the dark
Is this only a nightmare?
Tell me it is
I open my eyes
And everything is the same

You kill me
Drown me
to the cruel love
to love that is only pain

Your words "I love you"
don`t matter anything
Still they make me fall

You kill me
drown me
to the cruel love
to love that is only pain

the rain against my window
the tears run down my cheeks
your black heart
gets closer
and it`s thirsty for love

you kill me
drown me
to the cruel love
to love that is only pain

Your nails on my neck
piercing to my skin
tears build up a puddle
my blood runs dry in the rain

you kill me
drown me
to the cruel love
to love that is only pain

I hate
but I can`t live without
Love and hate
the same

----Bizzu Moon----

Ps. Taas mie pilasin Bizzun mestariteoksen... :<

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