


This shit is bananas!
The Valley Of Death

Come with me
I`ll show you
what I always covered
The last breath comes soon
Hurry up, I`ll show you
the Valley of Death
where even I feel like someone
I love you and that`s why I need to take your life
to set it free
in the park cold and pale with other ghosts
who I someday loved
Yes, I`m the one who murdered many innocent people
Yes, I`m the one you swore you`d kill
when I took your sister
Away from there agonizing
with her beauty
Do you finally hate me?
Do you finally see me the way I really am?
do you feel how the fear takes over your thoughts
and your love becomes hate, remorse
Am I the one you want to see last?
Am I?
No, I`ve never been
you just thought so
I`m good liar
and putting you in eternal sleep
yes, I really love you

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