


AKA DayMack-DollarZ

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lovePerjantai 22.05.2009 22:55

Look, if i ever fall in love it's all or nothing, no reason for the kids to go and start frontin.
Lookin for a girl who can press my button, get me on the cell to do a lil somethin.
Can i ball?
You know it ma.
Playa standing tall, i'm growing up.
It's a new no limit, ya'll can't flow wit us, on my way to school i got my own bus,
and i can't leave home without my chain, got girls all over screamin out my name.
I'm like tracy mcgrady, and Yao Ming, i might switch up my team, but i'm still in the game.
MVP, so i'm earnin that, searchin for a chick who sweep, to put his slipper on her feet.
Until then, i'm gon run the street, keep spinnin these rhymes, nick bringing the beat.

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