


oman elämänsä marsipaanitaiteilija

Disco Ensemble - So long, sistersMaanantai 28.01.2008 05:09

I want to take you to my hotel-room
And show you my collection of stolen silver-spoons
I want explosions every single day
Just give me a minute and IÂ’ll be already on my way

IÂ’m going to shake the dust off my shoes
IÂ’m going to shake off the dust of this town

So long, my sisters
WeÂ’ll never see again
WeÂ’ll never kiss again
So long my brothers
WeÂ’ll never see again
WeÂ’ll never meet again

I want to shove you into my suitcase
Put y'all in to the back of my car with no license plates
I want to take you where the wind only goes
Say goodbye to the strangling ties and cardboard souls

So long, my sisters
WeÂ’ll never see again
WeÂ’ll never kiss again
So long my brothers
WeÂ’ll never see again
WeÂ’ll never meet again

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