



Desu deee desu dee desu~!Perjantai 08.06.2012 11:59

Se ihana tunne kun heräät 3 tuntia ennen heätyskellon soittoa, pyörit sängyssä kaksi ja puol tuntia koska toteat että "hei hitsi! Tänään on Desucon," jonka jälkeen unen saanti on mahdotonta. Elikkä Huomenta Desukansa, kello on melkein 9 aamulla =_=

Näillä näkymin 100% varmaa (ellei jotain omg apuva järkkyä tapahdu) cossit viikonlopulle ovat seuraavat;

Perjantaina: Kuran Kaname (Vampire Knight) (Miks mää aina typotan ton sukunimen Kurai? o.O;;)

Lauantaina; Misaki Mei (Another) (Kesä koulupuku + silmälappu, tää tyttö kulkee taas puoli sokeena conissa, yay....not)

Sunnuntain; Kuran Kaname (Vampire Knight) Sama kouluasu kun perjantaina.

Kanamen takki...ja se koko puku... mä sulaaaan. se on niin...paksu x.x

Desussa nähdään~! Halaa saa tulla mutta glomppaaminen on kielletty ehdottomasti, sama sääntö pätee ysävääni ja kaikkia jotka ovat seurassani. Kiitos. Frostissa meinasi kaverini kallis kamera hajota kun tultiin isolla porukalla glomppaamaan. =_=

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.01.2012 19:39

Dear panda hoodie/hat,

Can't you be any easier to make? I know I should have started making you weeks ago and I apologize for my lag of attention on you but I have life outside sewing and cosplay. I used lot of money on your fabric to make you look puffy and warm, please can you become the worth of that money and get ready in time? I only got under 1 week to sew you by hand because you and the sewing machine can't get along.

With love, xCherry

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.11.2011 11:27


Inga <3

Nabari no Ou QuizMaanantai 28.11.2011 10:16

Nabari no Ou Quiz

Which Nabari character are you? Try to be honest with the answers.


[x] You are indifferent to many things.
[x] YouÂ’re good at cooking.
[ ] You were forced by someone to join a club at one point.
[ ] You have lost both your parents.
[x] You donÂ’t remember a lot from your childhood.
[ ] You work, or have worked in a restaurant.
[x] You have a cat.
[ ] To get what you want, you act cute, saying things like, “You’re mean,” pouting and pulling puppy-dog eyes.
[x] All you really want is love, but you donÂ’t want to tell anyone.
[ ] At least one of your teachers is Irish.

5/10, 50%


[ ] Life has no meaning for you.
[x] You have a scar somewhere on your body.
[ ] You donÂ’t get along with your parents and/or siblings.
[ ] You wail on anyone who calls you cute.
[ ] You have broken someoneÂ’s bones before.
[x] You point with your index finger a lot.
[x] You like lemonade. -
[ ] You eat voraciously.
[x] You have been getting sick lately.
[x] You wear lots of thick clothing, even if it isnÂ’t cold.

5/10, 50%


[ ] You are interested in swordplay.
[ ] You have a strong sense of justice.
[ ] You tend to mistake some people for other people when youÂ’re excited.
[x] YouÂ’re not very good at keeping secrets when youÂ’re excited.
[ ] Sometimes, you want to kill your older brother (if you have one).
[ ] You have a good relationship with your uncle.
[ ] You are close to your mom.
[ ] You tend to jump to conclusions.
[x] You consider yourself alone, when you have lots of friends.
[ ] YouÂ’re a sore loser.

2/10, 20%


[ ] You wear glasses.
[ ] You have odd hair and/or eye colour.
[ ] You have been called “four-eyes” on more than one occasion, and you don’t like it.
[x] You seem to be gentle.
[ ] You take your duties quite seriously, and are ruthless when youÂ’re angry.
[x] You look younger than you are.
[ ] You like owls.
[ ] You harbour a deep secret.
[ ] Apparently, you give “steamy, boring talks.”
[ ] You are apparently the socially unacceptable character.

2/10, 20%


[ ] You are teaching, or have taught English at one point.
[ ] You are from Ireland, or have an Irish background.
[x] You smoke. On that note, you quit smoking.
[ ] YouÂ’re entirely devoted to protecting the people dear to you.
[x] You donÂ’t like hurting people.
[ ] People have called you naïve.
[x] You remember something that no one else seems to remember.
[ ] You have a fear of all vehicles. Bikes included.
[ ] You have or had a girlfriend that was older than you and lived with you.
[ ] You are often fooled by cute people.

3/10, 30%


[ ] You think all kids are brats.
[x] YouÂ’d tell a friend that your door is always open for them, and to think of your house as shelter from the rain, etc.
[x] YouÂ’re very down-to-earth about things like working in solitude.
[x] YouÂ’re a freelance writer. If youÂ’re taking this quiz and youÂ’re not legal yet, you write stories.
[x] You have a younger sister. On that note, sheÂ’s a nurse. (Latter is optional)
[ ] You have taken a child into your custody recently.
[ ] Your father is currently in jail and was a drunkard.
[x] You have a cat, or had owned one at one point.
[ ] You have broken an arm before.
[ ] You keep a journal about the growth of whomever or whatever you have in your custody.

5/10, 50%


[x] Your hair was a different colour than it is now. In other words, you dyed it.
[ ] You had a very domineering mother.
[ ] Whenever youÂ’re depressed, your fashion sense turns erratic.
[ ] YouÂ’re good at swordplay/sword games. (Like the Legend of Zelda, for example.)
[x] You like flowers.
[ ] Lately, you seem to be seen as comic relief.
[x] YouÂ’re very loyal.
[x] You have a dear friend that you want to always look up to you.
[x] You have saved someone in the past. (DoesnÂ’t necessarily have to be their life.)
[x] YouÂ’re somewhat sadistic.

6/10, 60%


[ ] YouÂ’re a neat-freak.
[x] YouÂ’re very fussy in a messy place.
[ ] YouÂ’re good at paperwork.
[ ] You have someone you look up to.
[ ] On that note, that person you look up to has saved you before, which is why you look up to them.
[ ] YouÂ’re very idealistic.
[x] YouÂ’re a little quick-tempered.
[ ] You are a lapdog.
[ ] YouÂ’re extremely devoted to someone.
[ ] You would do anything to repay a debt.

2/10, 20%


[x] You act like a cat, or have been told you act like a cat.
[x] On that note, you like cats.
[x] You are much older than you look.
[x] Sneaking around without making any noise comes naturally to you.
[ ] You have long nails that will cause formidable injury if you ever got into a “cat fight.”
[ ] You like to climb things. Like a cat.
[x] You enjoy doing things for the sake of observation.
[ ] You have odd hair and/or eye colour.
[x] You have been friends with someone who wears glasses for a long time. (It doesnÂ’t matter whether the said person has been wearing glasses forever or just got them.)
[ ] You are quite blunt; your interactions with other people is somewhat rough.

6/10, 60%

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.10.2011 17:20

Jooos mää nyt tekisin sitten sen samperin Sho cossin jossain vaiheessa ensivuotta *3*

Tuli, oli, meni. VIUH!Torstai 08.09.2011 12:04

Juu, voisinpa tähän nyt kirjoitella kun olokin on permpi. Sunnuntaina kotiin conista palatessa huomasin että kurkkua sattui hieman ja maanantaina sitten oli jo kuumetta ja flunssa pääällä. Flunssassa sitä edelleen ollaan että yay. Tuntuu että moni sai Tampereelta matkaansa flunssan conin jälkeen o:

Mutta juuh. Hiukan tuo Tracon jännitti, eka traconi kun oli. En tiennyt yhtään millaista siellä olisi ja ohjelmalehtisen mukaan ohjelmaa olisi kauheasti, kiinnostavimmat tietenkin joko päällekkäin tai sitten peräkanaa eri puolilla Tampere taloa. Loppujen lopuksi menin vain muutamaan ohjelmaan sillä myyntipöydät, taidekuja ja tuttavavien tapaaminen veikin enemmän aikaa kun luulin.

Lauantaina aika tuntui menevän nopeasti, heräsimme aikaisin aamulla muutaman tunnin yöunen jälkeen valmistautumaan coniin. Väsymystä oli ilmassa hiukan, jotkut meistä olivat saaneet nukutuksi enemmän ja joku oli valvonut koko yön, unta saamatta. Luonnollisesti, kun pääsimme cossiemme kanssa coni paikalle, siellä oli jonoa. Minä ja kaverini Kuro päätimme mennä Tullintorille hakemaan muutaman kylmän starbucksin kahvin jotta virkistyisimme. Päästyämme takaisin huomasimme että jonoa ei ollutkaan niin paljoa kuin luulimme ja pääsimme heti sisään lämpimään Tampere Talolle. Hyökkäsimme heti taidekujalle ja sieltä sitten alaspäin tutkimaan mitä kivaa löytyisi. Lauantain lopuksi päädyimme kuvauspalvelun eteen ja totesimme että voisimme mennä ottamaan kuvan. Itseäni jännitti todella paljon sillä suhteeni kameraan on </3, mutta Kuvauspalvelun kuvaaja oli aivan ihana ja ohjasi poseeraamaan. Kiitos hänelle :) Odottelen innolla kuvien ilmestymistä anikiin :) :)

Sunnuntai meni melkeinpä yhtä nopeasti. Olimme jo eilen käyneet katsomassa cosplay kisoja ja sunnuntaina menimme katsomaan myös. Mahtavia esityksiä! Vielä sen verran lauantaista; pukukisassa oli aivan mahtavia pukuja mutta ihmettelen, kuinka yksi kunniamaininnan saaneista valittiin vain sen perusteella että oli tehnyt itse käsin puvun? Eikö kukaan muu muka ollut itse pukuaan tehnyt? Kisassa oli monia joilla oli jopa käsin maalattuja yksityiskohtia puvussaan! Toivottavasti ensivuoden tuomarit ovat parempia, ei millään pahalla.

Mutta juu, kivaa oli. Kiitokset kaikille ihanille ihmisille. Kiitokset kaikille mahtaville cossaajille joista saimme ottaa kuvan, kiitokset kuvauspalvelun ihanalle kuvaajalle, kiitokset BakaRenolle että saimme yöpyä hänen luonaan, kiitokset kaikille jotka tulivat halaamaan (vaikka en kyllä mitään hali lappua kantanut, enkä tule ikinä kantamaankaan), kiitokselle sille yhdelle Reno cossaajalle joka hoki jotain epämääräistä laulua joka on soinnut päässä sunnuntaista lähtien ja lopuksi kiitokset kaikille joiden nimeä/ joita en maininnut tässä. Ensi vuonna uudestaan~!!

~ C.C / Cherry kiittää, kumartaa ja aivastaa~

*menee takaisin nukkumaan ja potemaan flunssaan*

WebKare sulkee sivunsa T_TMaanantai 15.08.2011 13:28

Nyyh, tänään sit tuli viestiä sivulta seuraavanlaisena tekstiä:

Thank you for Playing Web-KARE.
We, operating team, notice you that Web-KARE
provided since 2008 will be closed upcoming at 15:00pm 15th SEP. (Japan standard) Please read this message carefully.
It will be prohibited to do activities related using coins as below.
-Buying new coins
-Using coins (In secret garden or dress room)
We will refund coins and premium pass into WEBMONEY if they are corresponding with the requirements as below.
-The Coins that had bought before 15th SEP. through the SBPS system.
*It is NOT including the coins getting from PONCAN*
-The premium pass (Expiration date is also valid after 15th SEP.)
We will send users who are subject to refund e-mail with request form. If you are the one, please read carefully and reply it.
It is a thousand pities for us to announce you closing WebKARE. We are honestly so sorry and thank you so much from the bottom on our heart for playing and enjoying it.

Terassi päivä pähkäilyä XDKeskiviikko 29.06.2011 07:44

Cherry: Mun pitää käydä automaatilla ennen kun mennään kauppaan

Cami: No me voidaan mennä kauppaan hedelmä & vihannes osastolle, otetaan tomaatti ja tökitään sitä kortilla niin että se sanoo au, siin on sulle au tomaatti.

Cherry: XD

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 25.05.2011 01:59

Maailma on paha paikka, pikku pikku Euphemia~

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.01.2009 23:26

On my knees
Dim lighted room
Thoughts free flow try to consume myself in this
I'm not faithless
Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose
Ignorance is bliss cherish it
Pretty neighborhoods you learn to much to hold
Believe it not
And fight the tears
With pretty smiles and lies about the times

- So I Thought by Flyleaf