


Maybe the diamonds are not for everyone

oli pakko <3Torstai 28.05.2009 21:41

Welcome to my life

This is not really me
YouÂ’re an angel not asking who I am
You understand
That is not really you
You look at me as if IÂ’m something more
Well dream on

Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But IÂ’m doing all right
Welcome to my dream
ItÂ’s the only one who needs me
And stays right by my side

Welcome to my wonderland
ItÂ’ll take time to find out where we stand
In all this mess
There was the first day for me too
And I had no guide and I was lost like you
I still am

But it makes me feel alive

Welcome to my lifeÂ…

Once upon a time there was a guy
Who thought life is a joyride of ladies and red wine
He was so sure heÂ’d get the prices and the glory with his rhymes
HeÂ’d never need no one to be there beside him
Now theyÂ’re all surrounding me and I feel lonely
So lonely

Bye bye (one night kind)

She was sugar and salt we all wanted
And one of those queens you need to get
And I got her to go out with me
I took her dancing

In the smoke I believed sheÂ’s all mine
I was sure (cause) my moves went so fine
Then I asked her to go home with me
Then she looked and me

And she said
Bye bye bye I am not the one night kind
Guess you better find someone
Someone whoÂ’s like you, just like you
Bye bye bad boy you cannot be fine
You should better find someone
Someone who is sick enough for you

Still I thought there must be some way
To get the kiss and the love just right away
Then I said I would take her straight home
ItÂ’s not safe out there

Last minute I had to make my move
I said: “Honey could I sleep next to you”
And she said Dissapear F***ing idiot
ThatÂ’s all folks. Period.

And she said
Bye bye bye I am not the one night kind
Guess you better find someone, someone whoÂ’s like you just like you
Bye bye bad boy you cannot be fine
You should better find someone
Someone who is sick enough for you

En siis Hesasta ostanut pitkään haluamaani Sunrise Avenuen Popgasm -levyä <3
Halusin kiduttaa itseäni ja ostaa sen vasta sieltä :o
Mut kyl palkitsi <3

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