
"Now there's a simple, easy, and fun way to harness your creativity. Bamboo Fun makes your computer your canvas, allowing you to freely express yourself by simply touching the pen tip to the tablet. Touch up digital photos, draw by hand, create artwork and paintings, and even write in your own handwriting.

Bamboo Fun includes valuable creative software right in the box to help get your creative juices flowing.
Adobe® Photoshop® Elements (5.0 WIN / 4.0 MAC) for editing, retouching, enhancing, organizing, and sharing digital photos
Corel® Painter™ Essentials 3.0 for creating natural media art and turning photos into paintings
Nik® Color Efex™ Pro 2.0 GE for selectively applying lighting and photo enhancements with the pen

Bamboo Fun is also available in a variety of colors and sizes. For small workspaces or someone on the move, the small Bamboo Fun size is perfect. If you’re starting to explore graphics applications or completing hobby projects on your home computer, you’ll appreciate the extra workspace of a medium tablet. If you’re moving into more advanced graphic applications, you’ll quickly appreciate the added features of world’s most popular pen tablet for Creative Professionals, Intuos.

Bamboo Fun works with any software. Many software applications have special features and tools that are designed to be used with a pen. Click here for more information on these applications and their features."

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