Girl answers: I will delete your number, your Facebook, just leave me alone. I will never see you ever again.
Boy thinks: Since the first time I saw you, I noticed how your eyes sparkled. They reflected the joy of your heart and I knew that I was the reason for your blushes. Why today, 10 months later, you act like I'm nothing. Why don't you appreciate the time I made that song for you, or that time I stayed up really late at night trying to prevent you from killing yourself? Why...Why....Why. Rivers of blood say more than your heart. Dry land has more water than the juice of the past love I fear is over. Can you say I once had a love? I wish you can come to me and stop overreacting once in for all. Like always, I'll be waiting for you. I'll forgive you and kiss you no matter how deep your words hurt. I believe I truly love you; not like some say just to make you feel better.