
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.12.2009 23:58

I read your mind like an open book
You lost the fire in your eyes
You turn to me with a different look
And then it's raining
Looks like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling

Something is wrong as I hold you near
Somebody else holds your heart
You turned to me with your eyes in tears
And then it's raining, feels like it's raining

Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling, whoo oh
Oh no, tears are falling, whoo oh

(I see you cry)

And now it's raining
Looks like it's raining (someone stole your heart)
And now it's raining, feels like it's raining

Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling, whoo oh
Oh no, tears are falling (someone stole your heart)
Oh no, tears are falling (someone stole your heart)
Oh no, tears are falling (falling from your eyes)

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