
You're so bad you're so bad you're so
You're so bad you're so bad
think you're in love
Like it's a real sure thing
But every time you
You get your ass in a sling
You used to be strong
But now it's
ooh baby please
'Cause falling in love is so hard on the knees
You're so
bad you're so bad you're so
You're so bad you're so bad
We was making
love when you told me that you loved me
I thought ol' cupid he was taking
I was believer when you told me that you loved me
And then you called
me someone else's name
There ain't gonna be no more beggin' you
You know what I want
And it ain't one of these
You're bad to
the bone
And your girlfriend agrees
That falling in love is so hard on
the knees
You're so bad you're so bad you're so
You're so bad you're so
Chip off the old block
Man you're so much like your sister
fantasize it must be out of luck
My old libido has been blowing a
I feel like I have been hit by a fuck
I'm Jonesin' on
Yeah I got the DT's
You say that we will
But there ain't no
I'm major in love
But in all minor keys
Cause falling in
love is so hard on the knees
What are you looking for
It's got to be hard
Must be some kind of nouveau riche
Is this your only chance
some hypnotic trance
Let's get you on a tighter leash
Own it own it own
You're so bad you're so bad you're so
You're so bad you're so
You ain't that good
Is what you said down to the letter
But you
like the way I hold the microphone
Sometimes I'm good but when I'm
I'm even better
Don't give me no lip
I've got enough of my
There ain't gonna be no more beggin' you please
You know what I
And it ain't one of these
You're bad to the bone
And your
girlfriend agrees
That falling in love is so hard on the knees
Jonesin' on love
Yeah I got the DT's
You say that we will yeah
there ain't no guarantees
I'm major in love
But in all minor
'Cause falling in love is so hard on the knees

- Aerosmith -

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