
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 31.05.2008 20:09

Remember you used to stand by my side
But since you've been gone I've been lost inside
I feel I've lost the light of my life
It feels so empty and cold inside
And tonight my head is filled with memories
Broken memories full of her
Tonight I drink, I feel so weak
Yeah I know we're never gonna meet
In my dreams I can see you and tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can feel you, and it feels so real
In my dreams I can see you and tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you, and I awake so alone

If this time is the last time
Could I hold you the last time
Since this is the last time
Lay your head down for the last night

Remember we made love in the moonlight
I felt you shake so deep inside
Seemed like everything was all right
We made a blaze so high it lit up the night
And tonight my head is filled with memories
Broken memories full of her
Tonight I drink, I feel so weak
Yeah I know we're never gonna meet

If this time is the last time
Could I hold you the last time
Since this is the last time
Lay your head down for the last night

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