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Motherfucking Princess

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• × • A L L | A B O U T | M E • × •

- Name: Katri
- Single or taken: Single
- Gender: Female
- Birthday: April 6th

- Sign: Aries ;> <3
- Hair colour: Light brown [naturally], now dyed black
- Eye colour: Light hazel green
- Height: About 5'1 or 5'2
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight

• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •

- Favourite place to shop for clothes?: I really don't have one... I shop everywhere 8 D
- Favourite designer?: None... I think?
- What is your sexiest outfit?: Hmm, dunno really : D
- What is your most comfortable outfit?: My jogging/gym pants and T-shirt <3
- What do you usually wear?: Jeans, some of my fav shirts [usually], etc : D <3

• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •

- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Berner ZX Chocolate & Vanilla at the moment 8 D <3
- What are you listening to right now?: Nothing... Sounds that this computer makes...? :'D
- Who is the last person that called you?: Hmm, Kata, I think...? : D <3

• × • F A V O U R I T E S • × •

- Food: Spagetti & Meatballs <3 And wok... and other home-cooked food : D <3
- Girls' names: Anna, Chatrina, Katrina , Eveliina, Elisa, Elisabeth, etc
- Boys' names: Christian, Kristian, James, John, David, etc
- Subjects in school: English, art, history [sometimes], etc
- Animals: I love all the animals <3 Okay okay, for example wolf, raven, horse, cat, dog, eagle, crow, budgie, chinchilla, etc

• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •

- Given anyone a bath?: Hmm, I don't think so... If animals doesn't count : D
- Smoked?: Cigarettes? Yes, couple of times... But I don't like smoking, so... ickk!
- Bungee jumped?: No... But maybe someday, I will ;>
- Made yourself throw up?: No, I think...?
- Skinny dipped?: Yeah
- Ever been in love?: Nah, not really -.-''
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Maybe when I was little, but not anymore... I don't cry much
- Pictured your crush naked?: Oh yeah ;> <3
- Actually seen your crush naked?: No ;<
- Cried when someone died?: Yes, many many times...
- Lied: Yes, but I usually try to avoid it
- Fallen for your best friend?: Haha, no :'D
- Rejected someone?: Yep -.-''
- Used someone?: No, I think...? I would so no, I don't like that
- Done something you regret?: Thank god, nothing big, but some little things, yes

• × • C U R R E N T • × •

- Clothes: Sweater & jeans <3
- Desktop picture: Ahh, Spike *droools* <3__<3

- CD in player: None at the moment
- DVD in player: Nothing at the moment, but I think that I would watch Sleepy Hollow again tonight 8) <3

• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •

- You touched: My cousin...?
- Hugged: My cousin again x D
- You IMed: Hmmm, I don't remember o-o''
- Talked to online: Some of my friends

- Sexed it up with: - *whistle*

• × • A R E | Y O U • × •

- Understanding: Yeah, sometimes too much, I afraid
- Open-minded: Yes, very I would say
- Arrogant: I prefer confident
- Insecure?: Nah, not likely
- Random?: Haha, yeah :'D
- Hungry: Not at the moment, I just ate
- Smart: Yes, very smart ;>
- Moody: Sometimes ^^''
- Organized: Rarely :'D
- Shy: Rarely now days
- Difficult: Yep
- Bored easily: Sometimes
- Obsessed: Ermh, maybe a bit *smirk*
- Angry: Sometimes : D
- Sad: Not really
- Happy: Yep, sometimes that too : D
- Hyper: Always! 8 D <3
- Trusting: Not really, I only trust myself 100%

• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •

- Kill?: Stupid, small- minded, and useless people
- Slap?: Selfish people
- Get really wasted with?: My imaginary TV boyfriends

- Get high with: Same, MTVBF
- Talk to offline: My friends
- Talk to online: My friends it is
- Sex it up with: My TV boyfriends again 8 D GRAUH! ;> <3

• × • R A N D O M • × •

- In the morning I: sleep...? Till I get up, of course : P
- Love is: Love
- I dream about: Many kinds of things... Mostly at weird things, lol :'D
- Sexual preference: Guys are like... like... grrrr ;>
- What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Eyes, mind, body *drools*... ass too, maybe...? ;>

• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • ×

- Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi <3
- Flowers or candy: Both <3
- Tall or short: Tall : D

• × • W H O • × •

- Makes you laugh the most: Hmm, my family & friends : D <3 And our pets! <3
- Makes you smile: Same as above... And my hunky hunk TV Boyfriends ;> <3
- Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: My TV Hunks <3

• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •

- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Nah : P
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No, never really : D
- Wish you were younger: No x D :'D
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Not really

• × • N U M B E R • × •

- Of times I have had my heart broken: Zero!
- Of guys I've kissed: Couple...? : D

- Of girls I've kissed: lol
- Of CDs I own: Omg, I haven't even count them ever x__x''
- Of scars on my body: Maany many many x] Little ones, I mean... Just one little bigger, under my chin : P


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