

- Vanhemmat »

aww... it's sweetTiistai 05.06.2007 04:22

So nice to see happy couples, i mean really happy, not some "i love you, i hate you shit"

*Dear diary of thoughts... About Drinking.Maanantai 04.06.2007 02:50

I’m back in normal life again. No booze. Yesterday we were drinking. I was intending not to get drunk, no matter what it casts me. The evening was starting great, we bought 3x12packs and headed to city. When we got there we went to kiasma’s park. The best and the only place where we drink in Helsinki. Everything was great, 12pack down, next open. I’m feeling that I should slow down on drinking so I wont get drunk too fast. We chit-chat and one geezer that loves football shines his bright idea, to and watch SUOMI-SERBIA game. But there’s a problem, we have so much beer, the match is starting in 15min and we have to drink it before going there. So they say “hurry up”. I say that I don’t want to hurry up, because if I do, I’ll get drunk, well I mean I’ll probably loose a littlebit of self control and start speaking in loud. AND AS ALWAYS like every drunk Russian they start saying: ahh come on, help us, don’t you respect us? I mean what the F it has to do with respect? Oh hell yeah I respect: MYSELF. I have dignity, I told my self I wont drink, so I wont. This kept going on till the end of a football game. It was hard not to drink, but I stood up for myself and yeah! I’m proud. But this wont be the last time, so I’m just wondering, what’s up with it? Why do we drink because everybody does? I mean it wont make you a better person, believe me, friends, don’t care are you a drinker or not and you don’t have to show off in front of them, you don’t have to proof anything. Still why is it so hard to not drink when they all are drinking? - so next time when ya’ll drink, just think: why do you drink? For who? For what? And the most important: know your limits!

*Dear diary of thoughts... engagement.Maanantai 04.06.2007 02:34

Don’t you think that engagement is nowadays just the thing, that youth wants to show the world that we are committed to each other. Ring = A sing that he or she is dating seriously and that he or she is yours. I have noticed that these days people get engaged for the sake of engagement, just for the ring. Wasn’t it supposed to be that way, that if someone asks “will you marry me” and the other one accepts it, they get the ring and after that they should be able to tell the day or at least month that they get married. Feels like, that the proposal is nowadays just like: will we get engaged. I have construed t that if you say “yes” at that moment, we say yes just for the sake of the ring and that we can brag about it to friends and family just like: “I have someone that takes me seriously”. And this if anything is stupid, irresponsible. Engagement are a sing of that YOU are ready, no, you have decided, no, no, you know, that this human being is going to be beside you till death. Some big ass golden/silver ring’s wont show how much you love or are in love. They have nothing to do with that. Actually rings are just a product of some big company, so as yourself: do you really need that ring? as it does not change anything.

“Long engagements give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which is never advisable.”

*Dear diary of thoughts... love someone.Maanantai 04.06.2007 02:33

I am an experienced person in love, well if you can call it that way. I’ll rather call it unstable emotions of liking. Unfortunately or maybe it has made me a better, I have been with four different type of girls. I’m not playing with emotions, well I though I didn’t. Actually I have noticed one strange thing in me, or it can also be just coincidence. Usually there are some things that I need and if looking at this in a big point of view, I get them most of the times. But after that, everything just freezes. But my point isn’t about that. My point is about love and how we are used to use it wrong. Ok, I know there isn’t right love! But there is something. These days we intent to use it so much, the word, that we forget about what it really means. Kids, youth, matures use it. But after all, its hard to see anymore who is serious and who’s not. Youth, meet in internet or a big drunk party, next day we live together, we have sex, walks in the park, the usual stuff. We intend to think that we are in big love with person we only like. So we say to each other “I love you”, for what? I mean it feels good to hear such words, especially when someone means it, who does and who doesn’t? Youth make up, break up, that same pattern that we all go through. Some of us more times than others, some less. The most important thing is to realise what love really is, at least superficially. Learn from mistakes, not only do they teach you, you’ll also know a little more about yourself. And that if what is important, because if you’ll stay the same, and the unwanted bad habits will stay in you, nothing will change, and you’ll make up and break up over and over again. Love is such strong word that I’m afraid to use it before I’m 96% sure that I mean it. I’m that type of person that says it all the time just to make someone feel better, or to get something out of someone, f*ck NO! That if what is the most foolish thing you can do. Don’t say anything what you don’t mean, liking and loving are different thing, commitment and just to have fun don’t belong together.
“Some emotions don't make a lot of noise. It's hard to hear pride. Caring is real faint - like a heartbeat. And pure love - why, some days it's so quiet, you don't even know it's there.”

HelsinkiTorstai 31.05.2007 02:31

People are strange, just moments ago I took my "moving away" neighbour to a place called Hernesaari, because he and she had so much stuff to carry and they were intending to call a taxi, I though why not take them. They were a littlebit amazed, and unconfortable, I told them to shut up and show me some directions. So we got there, I said no problem and goodbye. By not asking them money i made them remember me for some time.

But it's strange how people are oriented in here. It's like you allways have to do something for someone, because earlier he or she did something for you. Why? I dont know why people are used to pay for everything or if not paying, then owning a favour.

I dont know about you, but I'll do things for free, well ofcourse not to a stranger, but to a person that i know, i mean knowing is a big, big comprehension. Usually just name and some time to "get to know each other" is enough.

And geezers WAKE UP!
Lady is a living human being that you have to value in everything you do. After all, they bring you the best days of your life, and early morning smiles. Think about it when youll enter the bus (dont hurry it wont leave if youll wait for women to come in), open the door (3 second saving is not so important), anywhere; bars, work, park etc. A woman should always challenge our respect, and never move our compassion. More than anything, I think women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity! Remember that!

The stack upTorstai 10.05.2007 10:32

The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason, and if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Anyways the best way to waste your life, ... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for the details. Report. Don't participate. Live has spoken, it said to me that i should never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

So here is my advice:
Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish

ArtikkeliPerjantai 26.01.2007 12:40

Drum and bass (suom. Rumpubasso)

Drum and bass on elektronisen tanssimusiikin tyylilaji, joka on junkan (jungle) kehittynein muoto. Drum and bass sai alkunsa kun ihmiset sekoittivat keskenään reggae-bassolinjoja nopeutettujen hiphop-rumpukuvioiden ja teknosta saatujen vaikutteiden kanssa. Tyyli luokitellaan nopeatempoiseksi, jossa kappale pyörii yleensä 160bpm ja 180bpm välillä, höystettynä kovalla ja hyvin matalalla bassolinjalla. Tänä päivänä useimmat luokittelevat tämän tyylilajin underground musiikiksi, jonka vaikutteet tulevat kuitenkin suositusta musiikista ja eri kulttuureista ja seuraavista tyylilajeista: electro, funk, hiphop, house, jazz, metal, reggae, rock, techno ja trance.

Musiikin alkuperä
Drum and bass (silloin tunnettu myös nimellä jungle) tuli esiin 80-luvun lopussa.
Se kehittyi silloin suositusta skenestä ja musiikkityylistä nimeltä acid house joka silloin oli Britannian soitetuimpia rave skenen tyylilajeja.

Rumpubasso yksi rytmisesti monimutkaisin kaikista tanssimusiikin tyylilajeista, sisältäen todella nopeita rytmejä ja rikkobiittejä (tunnetaan englannissa nimellä breakbeat). Usein kappaleet ovat kokonaan insturmentaalisia, koostuen vain nopeista rumpukoneista ja matalasta bassosta. Rumpubasso on pääosin aina ollut (on edelleenkin) 12” genre, joka on tehty pienelle ja sille omistautuneelle yleisölle. Vinyyli tulee olemaan aina se ainoa musiikkiformaatti jolla tyylilajiin kappaleita julkaistaan. Kuitenkin esimerkiksi juno ja chemical-records tarjoavat mahdollisuuden tilata tuotetta cd formaatissa, tämä on hyvin harvinaista ja tätä harrastavat lähinnä genreen tutustumista varten tilaavat.

Monet väittelevät siitä mitä on oikeaa rumpubassoa ja tätä oikeaa on melkein mahdoton erottaa, johtuen kaikista alagenreistään (neurofunk, technoid, darkstep, liquid funk, clown jne.), joista suurimman osan rajat ovat todella hämäriä.. Esimerkiksi voit kuunnella korvia särkevää raskasta jytinää (techstep) jossa ei sanoja ole ja basso vaan pauhaa antaen joillekin kovan päänsäryn, sitten voit kuunnella rentoa/kevyttä kappaletta (useimmiten liquid funk) sanoin höystettynä, kesä pyörii mielessä. Tyylilajiin ja sen alalajeihin perehtymätön ihminen ei näitä osaa välttämättä toisistaan edes erotella.

Rumpubassoa on verrattu jazziin, kuulijaa kuulee usein hyvin erityyppisiä kappaleita jotka eroavat hyvin paljon toisistaan, kuitenkin kaikki kuuluvat samaan musiikki genreen, koska niin kuin rumpubasso, se on enemmänkin lähestymistapa, tai perinne kuin tyyli.

Voit esimerkiksi kuunnella nettiradiota joka on omistettu ainoastaan tälle genrelle:
Voit lukea englanninkielisen artikkelin genrestä osoitteessa: (irc: #dnbarena @ EfNet)

Roman Arto Kallonen

HELTECH/ Nuoriso ja Kulttuuri, 350


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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.11.2006 14:12

Редкая правда приносит радость, поэтому и мало
кто занимается ее поисками целенаправленно.
- Vanhemmat »