


Dulcius Ex Asperis (Vaikeuksien jälkeen tulee onni) ♥

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ja lisää ♥Torstai 26.05.2011 21:21

- Gackt do you have sexual play with the ladies?

G: I love it.

- Ah, so you do like it then?

G: Sexual play right?

- Yeah.

G: I love sexual play.

- The waist plays a big role in that doesn't it?

G: It's very important.

- How often do you do it, once every two days? Once every three days?

G: I'm not the type to do it everyday - I leave intervals and store it up.

-What do you mean by store it up?

G: I hate it when it's over in one or two hours... so if I store it up I can go about 8 hours straight.

-like a snake. A snake goes 24 hours.

G: Is that so?

- 8 hours, eh? What are you doing for 8 hours?

G: Sexual play.

-Without eating?

G: No good?

- Are you holding each other straight for 8 hours or what?

G: Well ofcourse... there are many positions to go through.

- LIke this one?

G: Something close to that.

-Continuing... what are you not embarassed about showing to others?


-Naked huh?
So you're pretty cinfident in your physique?

G: I wouldn't say confident... more like it's imbossible to hide it.

-Fully naked?

G: Basically at the hotel... before and during the tour I'm always naked in my room.

-always? What about the staff?
-What about when roomservice comes?

G: well, it is my room...

-well at a hotel once you get the key it is your room...
-Ding dong. "room service here." So you slip into some pants or put on a robe...

G: well firstly I won't wear underwear cause it is my room-

-So you just get the door as you are?
- And Gackt, your GA*KU*TO is right there for all to see. You don't mind showing them your GA*KU*TO at all?

G: you mean junior?

-you really don't mind Gackt junior being...

G: I'm really not embarassed about people seeing.

-you're not afraid they think- "ah, juniorreally is a junior, huh?"

G: well, I'm a magnum.

-A magnum, eh? WOW! You're serious right now? He's acting a little funny.

XDDD <sydän>

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