


Why is it that the bad ideas always sound the best?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.09.2007 03:52

D'espairsRay - ZERO

Position: bass and relationship [Relationship o_o'?!]

Birthdate: ?

Bloodtype: O

From: Sakitama

Hobby: tying up [Lol...]

Skill: delusions

Favourite food: frustrated masturbators [O_O'?!]

Disliked food: anything seafood

Favourite drink: sake, X fluid (c: I believe this refers to sexual fluids) [Ja zeroko on hetero?]

Favourite cigarettes: Red Lark

Favourite artist: Mana-sama

Favourite performer: it's a secret

Place you go to have fun: convinience store

Favourite of your songs: basically I like them all

Favourite type of woman: someone who'll let me rape them [No ainakin jotain omaperäistä XDD Kaikki muut rockarit sanoo et söpö..tai jotain]

What do you do on your day off? have delusions

When was your first love? today

Describe your band in one word? erotic [No onhan se pikkasen....jos ottaa huomioon sen huokailubiisin XDD]

A message for your fans:
Please continue to give DéspairsRay
your best regards.
Certainly, please come to our lives,
rape us and then go home.
And, please buy our April 1st release,
"Genwaku", and masturbate to it at home. [Lol..XDD Ton kyl voin tehä..*köhköh* No mitäää?! En oo varmaan ainoo..]

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