
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.02.2008 20:16

Feel like i lost my heart
or misplaced my thoughts and i don't know
Ready to walk on home
I just couldn't see it comin'
Baby, it was all my fault
I forgot how to treat a man
I don't know,
Why i was playing around
and all the while i was losin'

*The best boy in my life, for sure
Is about up and walk out that door
Said, he won't play number 2 anymore
Seems like the waters won't dry
and i don't know why...

**So, i'm telling him, i'm ready to work on me
It's too late, his gone, his gone, his gone
I'm telling him, i'm ready to meet his needs
It's too late, his gone, his gone, his gone
See, he decided to up and leave
Before i could give him my apologies
Wish i could bring that boy back to me
It's too late, his gone, his gone, his gone
It's too late his gone...

I wanna wake myself up
From this nightmare that i'm dreamin'
I don't know,
Why i took your love for granted
What the hell was i thinkin'?
I'm missing everything we had
I'd do anything to get you back
I don't know,
How i let you get away
Guess it's the price that i pay



It's nights like this
I wish i would have never let my baby get away
Takes everything i have admitting my mistakes
Don't know if i could find my way without you boy
Shoulda took the time to do the little things
I wish i knew my neglect would bring
you to go further away
So, now i know
That it's way too late...



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