
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.04.2008 05:19

I know you might not be ready yet
i just want you to know i got time

You see me through
through thick and thin
'cuz everyday with you is like i'm born again
but we're only friends
You know that i see you as so much more
see you as so much more baby
You took me to another world
Never wanna come back again
Need you to be my boy
To hold me close
That's the reason why is hurts so bad to see you go

* I got time
If my time is spent waiting on you
then i got time
and i'm never going anywhere
as long as you love me then
I got time
and i'm gonna be waiting on you
then i got time
and i'm never going anywhere

I try my best to understand
what could be the reason
you wouldn't want me to be your girl
'cuz i treat you right
I hold your hand
I kiss every single tear drop
They fall down
but your so confused
You wonder if i'm the one and
Yeah, i wonder too
nothing to do
Sit here alone until i find out


Just say that you love me
That you can't live without me
That you wanna go and get married
IÂ’ve been dreamin every night about us being together baby
That's all I'i wanna hear
I don't care about your past
The way i see it, it's clear like glass
So far away and
You can't go back
'cuz everything changed the day i came here



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