(lyriikat käännetty englanniksi)
Ad day power for the gears
And nights I give you my word
Questions are a, like ravens, thieves
They fly away without prey
Come speak after me, learn to use them
And memorize them sharply
Twelve of you are in a dozen
But master can be only one
Mine is the word and the word is the knowledge
The knowledge is power and power is wrested right ...
Because I am your master
Because I am your master
Yes, I am your master
And you are nothing ...
Because I am your master
Because I am your master
Yes, I am your master
And you are nothing ...
Nothing but my servant!
Now come to me, you milling boys
Because midnight is time for feeding
Come, pick the word in small bites
And learn in your black coat of feathers
You crawl after me, you can even run
And despite you will never close in on m
Because knowledge can burn like fire
Too much of it can be deadly
Mine is the word and the word is the knowledge
The knowledge is power and power is wrested right ...
With my words I forge shackles stronger than metal
- Because you are the master
There are no places to hide, I am everywhere
- Because you are the master
You are not really aware which price you pay
- Because you are the master
Only I alone know the truth, how the mill grinds
- Because you are the master
And you will never find a way out
- Because you are the master
However you slave away, always a step ahead
- Because you are the master
Sama kuin edellinen, mutta.. en tiedä.