

- Vanhemmat »

A Perfect Circle - PetPerjantai 17.10.2008 03:46

by A Perfect Circle

Don't fret precious I'm here
Step away from the window
Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Pay no mind what other voices say
They don't care about you
Like I do
Like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See they don't give a fuck about you
Like I do

Just stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums

I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
One and the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself

Swayin to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drum
The boogeymen are coming
The boogeymen are coming
Keep your head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of a war drum

Stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Just stay with me
Hold you and protect you from the other ones
The evil ones
Don't love you son
Go back to sleep.

RetardedKeskiviikko 15.10.2008 20:47

Retarded much ? Mä oon ainaki helvetin peloissani kun emoja kävelee vastaan !

Kolme parasta nytTiistai 14.10.2008 23:16

Kolme parasta nyt:
1. A Perfect Circle
2. PS3
3. Jackson DR7 ;)

Keskivertopaska näyttelijä+paskan emobändin perustaminen = Vitusti emo-faneja jotka ei tiedä mitään paskastakaan. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

tällainenPerjantai 27.07.2007 20:01

Listaa seitsemän laulua, joista tällä hetkellä pidät. Genrellä ja sanoilla ei ole väliä, eikä haittaa vaikka laulu ei edes olisi mitenkään hyvä, kunhan itse nautit siitä. Kopioi nämä ohjeet omaan päiväkirjaasi/blogiisi/journaliisi niiden seitsemän laulun kanssa. Nakita sitten seuraavat kolme henkilöä nähdäksesi mitä he kuuntelevat.

2.Five finger death punch-Salvation
3.Lamb of god-one gun
4.System of a down-war
5.Slayer-eyes of the insane
7.Machine Head-Aesthetics of hate
- Vanhemmat »