
Epäromanttisia juttuja, mitä mies on sanonut naisille sängyssä?
(Naisten kertomana)

- Exä monesti orkun saatua voihkaisi " äiti!"

- Puristelee rintojani ja päästelee " honk honk" -ääniä...honk honk tulee Pulmusista... aina tulee Ed mieleen. Yök.

- pieru-liisa, ja tarkoitti tietysti mua

- onpa sulla mustat silmänaluset.

- " Ja majoneesit sisään" totesi ex kun orgasmin sai...

- Veivaisitko mut käyntiin, en meinaa herätä

- Mun mies sanoo joskus, että röh, röh, kun puristelee mun tissejä

- mun mies näytti kesken kiihkeän nytkytyksen peukkua mulle.

- Täällä haisee perävakohiki! Kyllä oli kauan ilman.

- Exä sanoi kerran kun hivelin rinnoillani hänen selkäänsä, että " mitkä ne siellä laahaa?"

- mies joskus sanoo päälle tullessaan että Ei setä pahaa,setä vaan vähän kokeilee.. Todella oksettavaa!

- Aina suuseksin jalkeen mies pesee fanaattisesti suutaan minuuttitolkulla. Purskuttelee ja räkii veskissa.

- Raketti laukee NYT!

- Mies heitti spermat selkään ja sanoi, että " levitä ite".

- Sulla on vitun näppyläinen selkä sanoi samalla kun veti takaapäin. Hommat loppu siihen.

- Klitorista näprätessään mies teki korkealla falsettilla "tiditiditiditidi" -ääntä

- Ja kerran on sanonut takaa päin työnnellessä et hei sulla on karmea finni persuuksissa.

- Kerran kesken kaiken alkoi tuumailla että " Pitäisköhän vaihtaa ooppeliin öljyt?"

- Olin hoikka ja pieni rintainen etenkin ennen lasta. Kerran mies sanoi minulle seksin jälkeen että
ihan kuin pikku poikaa panisi.

- rakastelun jälkeen(olimme konttausasennossa) irrottautuessaan teki kuormaautojen perusäänen, tuu tuut tuut,......

- mies sanoin kerran, että " kato, tepsi voitti" , kun takaapäin veti katsoen samalla urheiluruutua.

- plöplöplölölöllllööö (nuoli samalla)

- mun pikkuinen on aika nopeesti valmis (sellaisella " pikkulapsen" äänellä)

- mies kerran takaapäin vedellessään pysähtyi dippaamaan sormeansa perseessäni ( ei siis mitenkään seksimielessä), nuuhkaisi sitä ja kysyi kovaan ääneen: " Ootsä käyny tänään paskalla?"

- Mies kysyä paukautti että haluisitko jakaa mun kanssa siittiöitä ja kumautti " komean" pierun sanojensa painikkeeksi...

- et ime toistakin tissiä (kun toista vaan lutuutti) niin tämä kysäs, et ai sikskö kun siinä on vähempi karvoja?

- ..mies sanoi että nyt multa tulee (laski lastit mahalleni) ja samalla pieraisi oikein kunnon fanfaarin!!!! Kyllä mua nauratti ja miestä hävetti niin paljon, että sillä tuli itku silmään.

- Suhteemme alku vaiheessa nauroi kerran jollekkin tv-ohjelmalle kun otin häneltä suihin.

- ihanaa harrastaa seksiä itseäni paljon isomman naisen kanssa" ... Ja olen tosiaan ihan normaalin kokoinen nainen.

- Mies kysyy esileikin jälkeen et: No mitäs si? Ja napittaa lehmämäisellä katseella...

- Otin baarista mukaan pojan jolla oli poikuus tallella. Kondomin puettuaan hän sanoi: Katsos näin! Sisään tunkeutuessaan jotain " Kyllä tämä tästä" tapaista. Sitten toiminta jatkui " Hyvältä tuntuu" , " Voi että, voi että, kaikkea kanssa" , " Näin sitä mennään" ja niin edelleen. Paras oli ehkä kuitenkin:" Meitsi saa pillua!" . Hiljaa se ei osannut olla. Tullessaan tietysti huusi: " Se on siinä!"

- ja kerran tokas ku antoi suuseksiä että " terve kaveri" sellaisella kummeli äänellä...

- Meillä asusteli takapihalla orava. Pari viikkoa sitten kesken kiihkeimmän homman mies tokaisi että, se oli se oravakin jääny auton alle... 18.02.2009 20:01

Does he watch much hockey then?

"Only at nights," he laughs.

It also allows him to maintain his connection to the game and to its players. So does what he sees on a nightly basis stack up with the legends of old?

"No question about it," he said. "First of all, right off the bat, ILYA KOVALCHUK can score at any time. Guys like (Alex) Ovechkin, (Evgeni) Malkin, (Sidney) Crosby; they all would've been a good player anywhere. You can go on, take guys like (Rick) Nash, Dany Heatley; they're all good players. Jarome Iginla, and Mats Sundin has been a great player for years, but never had the opportunity to play on a great team. And (Niklas) Lidstrom, he could skate backwards back then just as well as now."

One of the main similarities Mahovlich sees in both today's players and his peers is the love of the game, playing for the sheer fun of it.

"You can tell," Mahovlich said. "Last year, how much passion did (KOVALCHUK) have representing Russia (at the World Championships) and beating Canada in the final? These are guys that really, truly love to play the game. When they score a goal, they're excited, and they want to do it again. That's why they come to the rink."

Ilya KovalchukPerjantai 06.02.2009 00:38

At a very young age Ilya was a talent in sports. His father Valeri was a professional basketball player. Valeri had played for the Soviet's National Team. Valeri didn't want to push his son into basketball. He wanted Ilya to pick his own sport. Ilya tried out different sports. By the age of five he got his first pair of ice skates. Ilya learned quick, and trained hard with his dad at the gym. The family wasn't rich, living in an apartment. Valeri Kharlamov was Ilya's idol, and that is why he wears #17 today in the NHL. Pavel Bure was also a inspiration, since Ilya got to watch the 1994 Stanley Cup finals.

In 1998, Ilya was 15 years old. He traveled to North America for the first time to compete in a junior tournament in Ontario. Scouts were paying big attention to Ilya since people had toke note about him. The scouts loved him. He had big size for his age, and was very fast. He could skate around opponets with ease. As a teenager he earned a spot on Under-17 squad. In a game against Canada’s Newmarket 87s, he intentionally crashed elbows-first into the opposing bench and then cross-checked goalie Jason Hooper. Newmarket’s players had seen enough, and a huge brawl ensued. A month later Ilya demonstrated his value as a scorer when he led the Russians to a gold medal in the World U-17 Challenge. He topped the tournament in scoring, with 10 goals and 14 assists in six games. During the championship game against Canada, he was clearly the best player on the ice.

In 2001 the NHL draft was right around the corner. People had high expectations for Ilya Kovalchuk, but there was another player in mind. Don Waddel had a tough decission to make to either draft Ilya or Jason. They regarded Ilya just as highly—a rare player who could change a game in an instant. In Spezza, the Thrashers envisioned a future All-Star who was the ultimate team player and understood every aspect of the game. Some scouts even said that Ilya was the highest scouted player since Eric Lindros with the highest potential. Rumors now ran rampant that Atlanta GM Don Waddell wanted to trade the top pick. The Buffalo Sabres offered young goalie Martin Biron and Michael Peca. The Montreal Canadiens dangled Jose Theodore. The Nashville Predators tried the same thing with their netminder, Mike Dunham. Waddell decided to keep the pick and draft Ilya with the 1st overall pick of the '01 draft. That made him the 1st Russian born player ever to go 1st overall in the NHL draft. Jason Spezza ended up going 2nd overall to he Ottawa Senators.

Ilya came out flying in his rookie season. He score 7 goals his 1st month. Fraser (Head Coach) decided to start sitting Ilya because his defense was very poor. His plus/minus wasn't looking good. The only thing he was doing right was scoring goals. Ilya went into the young stars game and nette 6 goals and got 1 assist as well. A great game from him. Ilya also represented Russia in the '02 Olympics. The Olympics were in Salt Lake City. Ilya appearing in his first of many to come, he was only 18 years old. Kovalchuk finished the season with 29 goals, 22 assists, and 51 points in just 65 games. He missed end of the season with a shoulder injury.

In 2003 Fraser was still the Head Coach of the team. He continued to sit Ilya for his poor defensive play. The Thrashers weren't in a good position, so they fired Fraser and hired Bob Hartley. Hartley had led the Colorado Avalanche to a Stanley Cup in 2001. Hartley had a talk with Ilya about his defensive play. Hartley said he would play Kovy more if he would play better defensively. Kovalchuk agreed with Hartley, and his plus/minus was starting to go up. Ilya played the point in the powerplay for the full two minutes, because he has a cannon one-timer. He finished the 2003 season with 38 goals, 29 assists, and 67 points.

In 2004 Ilya played even better. He was tied for the league lead in goals with Rick Nash and Jarome Iginla (41). He also came in second place for the points total (87). With the lockout underway, Ilya went back to his home country Russia to play with his old team. A lot of NHL'ers joined him as well.

Coming into the 2006 season the Thrashers didn't have Kovalchuk on the roster. They had to find a way to sign their ultimate weapon. They signed him to a 5-year 32 million dollars contract. This was very good for the team. He finished this season with 52 goals, 46 assists, and 98 points. Certainly his best season of his career.

Ratkaisija!Maanantai 19.05.2008 21:43


Viljo!! :DMaanantai 07.04.2008 21:13


LKPKeskiviikko 06.02.2008 22:30

oli pakko laittttaaaa <3