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LyricsTorstai 29.10.2009 00:22

Hello, I've decided to give you guys some songs with awesome lyrics that I know of every now and then. You might want to consider this a chance to 'broaden your horizons' when it comes to music, listen to music that I consider to be fantastic and take a look at the good lyrics I've provided. Don't let your musical taste hinder you, just give it a try.

First song is "Love You to Death" by Kamelot, off of their album "Ghost Opera". Artwork can be seen at the top of this wall o' text. Few quick facts about Kamelot:
  • Kamelot is one of my very favourite bands.
  • Kamelot has my favourite singer, Roy Khantatat a.k.a Roy Khan a.k.a Khan.
  • Kamelot is an american power metal band.
  • Roy Khan IS a very good singer.

When they met she was fifteen
Like a black rose blooming wild
And she already knew she was gonna die

"What's tomorrow without you?
This is our last goodbye"

She got weaker every day
As the autumn leaves flew by
Until one day, she told him, "This is when I die"

"What was summer like for you?"
She asked him with a smile
"What's tomorrow without you?"
He silently replied

She said,

"I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
Cause I love you, I love you to death"

But the sorrow went too deep
The mountain fell too steep
And the wounds would never heal
Cause the pain of the loss was more than he could feel

He said,

"I will always be with you
By the anchor of my sorrow
All I know, or ever knew,
Is I love you, I love you to death"

"What's tomorrow without you?
Is this our last goodbye?"

"I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
Cause I love you"

YhteisötKeskiviikko 28.10.2009 16:37

'Voit olla maksimissaan 100 yhteisössä samanaikaisesti.'

Läskii touhuu tämmönen.
Liian Kiltti Mies

Onko vaimollasi mahti, tehdä susta lapsenvahti,
kun hän kavereiden kanssa lähtee rientoihin?
Omaksutko tyylin noutajan, tohvelisankarin soutajan,
joka huopaa mutta tarttuu verkkoihin?
Tuntuuko joskus että, kaipaat viihdykettä,
kun sanan säilä oikein viiltelee?
Entä kehutko vaimosi ruokaa, vaikka palanut ois se vuokaan,
ja muina miehinä grillille kävelet?
Ootko liian kiltti mies?
Sua pompottaako muija,
et oo ainoo turvenuija, meitä monta lisää on.
Etkö ajoissa kotiin palaa, laitatko rahaa jemmaan salaa,
ja roskat maton alle vihellellen lakaiset?
Niin mäkin teen.
Kotona pyykkiä silität, ja kavereilles tilität,
sua kiinnosta ei golf, ei jalkapallo.
Kaupassa tuttuja lymyilet, vaivautuneesti hymyilet,
pakkaat kassiin sukkahousut ja tamppoonit.
Ootko liian kiltti mies?
Sua pompottaako muija,
et oo ainoo turvenuija, meitä monta lisää on.
Etkö ajoissa kotiin palaa, laitatko rahaa jemmaan salaa,
ja roskat maton alle vihellellen lakaiset?
Niin mäkin teen.
Vaimo kympin antaa aamuisin, itsekö tätä halusin,
tähän on vaan jotenkin taas tultu.
Nyrkkiä puin, takana päin, paremman huomisen unessa näin,
sanoin siis, näkemiin, nähdään kultu.
En oo enää kiltti mies, aikansa pompotti mua muija,
iski Tuomari nuijaa ja kahleet katkaisi.
En kotiin enää palaa, koko maailmaa mä halaan,
vapaudesta nautin, yksin kuljeskelen,
tai sitten en.
En oo enää kiltti mies, aikansa pompotti mua muija,
iski Tuomari nuijaa ja kahleet katkaisi.

Uuet kuvatKeskiviikko 28.10.2009 12:30

Pistin 47 uutta kuvaa tänään, kaikki kattomaan!

Little something for my darlingTiistai 27.10.2009 00:48

A poem for my Darling

Meri, I cannot find the words to describe how much you really mean to me nor how hard I wish this will last.

There is no feeling even remotely comparable to the one I experience when I lay my hand on your back and just sit there and talk with you, not even close. You have made me realise how valuable it really is to have someone you really love and care for. I can talk with you like with no one else, and talking with you feels so good, if only we could just sit there and talk for ever, I'd be as happy as I can be.

I know, that you feel just the way that I do. With you, I don't worry about anything, your very presence calms me down. And when we are forcefully seperated every night, only thing I can do is think about you, I can hardly even stay still, let alone sleep. You have truly, and rightfully revolutionised my whole life. I can't thank you enough, my love. I hope... No. I know, we can last. We will never be seperated. We will always be there. Oh how I have longed to find someone, just like you. You are everything I will ever need, and more.

I, have finally found my truly significant other. I am lost no more. I am finally happy. We are united.

@Meri Rönkkö
-18.10.2009 -->

You & me

If there was just one thing, just one, that I would want. It would be You.

You, are the fuel that keeps me going.
You, are the sole reason I began smiling outside my room.
You, have resurrected my will to live.
You, have stolen my ability to sleep at nights.
You, have made me realise who I really am.
You, are the single most important person in my life.
You, have made my daily life oh so much better.

Without You, I would be just another nerdy nerd that no one cares about.
Without You, I wouldn't be writing this.

I, will do whatever I possibly can to ensure that we will always be together, always.
I, am anxiously waiting for the day you get out of the damn orphanage, and all our dreams will come true.
I, really miss you.
I, really care for you.
I, want to know how you feel.
I, want to help you on your journey that some people call life.
I, want to hold your beautiful hand, and never, ever let go.
I, haven't lied to you, ever. Everything I've told you has been true.
I, want to thank you for everything you've done to me, and all the good things that future holds for us.

I, really, really love you. I have never felt like this before. If this isn't what people call love, then there is no such thing.
If the talk about soulmates is true, I have found mine.

Others may not have faith on us yet, but I do. And I know you do as well.

You, are the one I've been waiting for, the very reason I was born.

We, will be together. Forever.

Kirjoitan näitä lisää aina kun inspiraatio iskee.

These poems and all the ones I will write in the future are dedicated to one, really special person: Meri, my sweetheart. God I miss you again.

With love: Niko.

*Drumroll*Tiistai 27.10.2009 00:26

Historiallinen päivä, Niko, on palannut galleriaan.
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