
Shamaani & LakusuineSunnuntai 06.12.2009 02:56

On this glorious day, I am happy to present to you the first lyrics that I have written with my good friend Vili.

The song is entitled Your Love Lights My Fire and here are the lyrics.

Your love is like the water which cools me down,
your love is like a flame that makes me hot.
With you I don't have to fear a thing,
with you there's nothing that could harm me.
If only angels were real,
you'd be one of them.

Your love makes me strong,
your love lights my fire.
Your love makes me strong,
your love lights my fire...

Near you I never get lonely,
near you I feel no pain.
For you I shall devote my very soul,
for you I'll give everything.
Without you darkness consumes me,
without you I'd be lost.

Hey baby I love you, love you,
I want you to feel me, feel me.
I wonder if you feel the same, feel the same,
or if it's just me who is going crazy, going crazy.



Your love makes me strong,
your love lights my fire.
Your love lights my way,
your love opens my eyes.
Your love cuts deep in to my chest,
your love hurts like a gentle fire.

If I had you my life would be perfect.
-- ©haikara24 --
-- ©Lakusuine --

With love to Meri.

------------Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 18:26

Nyt on jopa miun huoneessa joulutunnelmaa, punaista väriä löytyy.

Mikä löytö!Sunnuntai 29.11.2009 21:35

Siis jumala-uta! Isolla leikkarilla on WLAN, tänne vaan sitten kännyllä datailemaan!

Wat?!Keskiviikko 25.11.2009 23:35

Lakusuine is back to rap guys, listening to 50 Cent & Eminem non-stop the whole day today and I gotta say, it's like a breath of fresh air.

Finally I realised that I can listen to BOTH metal & rap, one doesn't shut off the other.
And yes, I know I am easily affected when it comes to music. This same thing happened with metal when I met my good friend online ye know.

Oh, and I am downloading Twilight & Twilight New Moon at the minute.

Meri & MeMaanantai 16.11.2009 01:24

Today, I am happy to announce to you, my fellas, that I and my beautiful girlfriend Meri have been together for a whole month.

After this first month I just can't help being insanely happy that I have found her, every time I see her I feel better instantenously.
To Meri:

Don't be afraid of your angsting and stuff, I am happy to listen to your problems and try, read: try to help you feel better.
I know I am not nearly the best at these kinds of things, in fact I suck when it comes to comforting you, that is the sole reason I'd thought you'd dumped me already. But you haven't, I wonder why.

I at least have no intentions nor any kind of desire to leaving you. In fact, I hardly want to even think about it. You are just so good and perfect for me.

I don't mind your frequent mood swings either, if you just are honest and don't act like everything is all fine and dandy if it really isn't, I'd be happy.
Meri & Niko
18.10.2009 --> still going.

Ilmainen vinkkiTorstai 12.11.2009 01:07

Kokeilkaa ihan piruuttanne mitä kaikkea löydätte Googlen kuvahausta hakusanalla "vittu", hakutulokset ovat todellakin yllätyksellisiä.

JeaTiistai 10.11.2009 02:26

Finally, this god damn day has come to an end. The day started as bad as it could. I, for some reason, skipped school making Meri angry like hell and leaving my mate Emma all alone at school :(.

After "school" I went to see Meri downtown. I really found no way to excuse my actions to her as there were no excuses. I am a dork.
Luckily she didn't get THAT upset after I promised that this will happer never again, which I sincerely meant by the way.

I just want you, Meri, to know that I am really, really sorry for what happened. I will make sure that this won't happen again. For your sake as well as mine.
I love you girl, I hope we will never be seperated. Being close to you is just too good for me to lose.

Lyrics #3Maanantai 09.11.2009 15:47

Hello to y'all once again! It's been a long time since I last made an article like this (or any article to my blog what-so-ever for that matter) but now that I am bored (Read: my last blog entry) I've decided to dig in to my music library and find some good lyrics for you guys.

And I've succeeded. Today's song is entitled "Love Song" from a german metalcore band Caliban.

And the tradition continues:
  • Caliban is a german metalcore/deathcore band that was formed in 1997.
  • Although the band is quite old and german, it is fairly unknown. Which is staggering, considering that Germany is pretty much the paradise when it comes to metal music.
  • They have some insanely good lyrics (this song being my favourite) coupled with nice growling. You don't see much of that with metalcore bands.

    So, here is the song.

You are my world, my cage, my love, my hate,
My everything
When I am blind, You’ll take my hand
And lead me safe and sound

You are the one who makes me smile
You are the one who makes me cry
Next to you I feel strong
Next to you nothing feels wrong

I am here today (right now) to say I want you
I am here today (right now) to say I love you
More then you’ll ever know

You give me hope for more,
You show me how to fall
Today I will forget the pain

Because I know you’re here

You are the one who took my fears
You give me wounds that will
Never disappear
Nothing you do could hurt me
But one wrong word could cause
My end

I am here today (right now) to say I want you
I am here today (right now) to say I love you
More then you’ll ever know

You are my world, my cage, my hate
You are my everything
You'll take my Hand and lead me, I'm blind
Lead me safe and sound

I am here today (right now) to say I want you
I am here today (right now) to say I love you
More then you’ll ever know

I LOVE YOU (I love you, I love you)

KouluMaanantai 09.11.2009 15:24

Siis mikä vittu siinä on kun en vaan saa raahattua itteäni kouluun enää?
Viimisen kolmen viikon aikana oon lintsannu ~6-7 päivää. Siis ei helvetti ei täst tuu vittu yhtään mitään.

Helvetin lapsellinen olo.

Neekeri vai musta?Sunnuntai 01.11.2009 00:51

Tässä teille vähän ajateltavaa.

Pientä esimakua:

Jos ei päivässäsi ole tarpeeksi facepalmia niin lukemaan tuota!
Mut siis oikeesti, tuolta näette hyvin kuinka tyhmiä päättäjämme oikeasti ovat. Haluttaisiin korostaa tasa-arvoa ja rotujen välistä samanarvoisuutta, mutta silti ei saa mustaa miestä olla suklaalaatikossa.

Menetin tänään toivoni ihmiskuntaan.

P.S: Tipuin 'Reissuhermafrodiitin' kohdalla.