1. Have you been eating sugar? - Because your smiles are so sweet.
2. I'm a bee - can you be my honey?
3. I will tell the police about you! - Because you have stolen my heart.
4. Are you a dictionary? - Because you add meaning to my life
5. I lost my number - Can I have yours?
6. I forgot your name - Can I call you mine?
7. You're gonna be fortunate this year with love - If you become mine.
8. Are you a trap hole? - Because I have fallen for you.
9. Is there a hole in your heart? - I have been trapped and I can't find my way out
10. Are you being deaf? - because my heart has been screaming out your name for quite some time now..
11. Is your exam finished? - Because I was thinking if you could answer me.
12. Is it okay if I'll pay your tution fee? - If you will also learn to love me.
13. Did you know that I am a scientist? - And you are my LAB(Love)!