
1. Ensimmäinen sana, joka minusta tulee mieleen.
2. Väri, joka minua muistuttaa.
3. Kappale, joka muistuttaa minusta.
4. Millainen ruoka olisin?
5. Millainen ihmistyyppi minulle sopii parhaiten?
6. Mikä minussa on parasta?
7. Mikä minussa tekee sinut hulluksi?
8. Jos eläisin vuoden autiolla saarella, miten luulet, että selviytyisin?
9. Mitkä kuvittelet olevan viimeiset sanani?
10. Mitä mieltä olet luonteestani?
11. Mikä yhdistää meitä?/mikä on meidän juttu?
12. Olemmeko koskaan riidelleet, miksi?
13. Luotatko minuun?
14. Mitä haluaisit tehdä kanssani?
15. Mitä haluaisit sanoa minulle?
16. Mikä on paras yhteinen muistomme?
17. Kopiothan tämän itsellesi, että pääsen kostamaan?

I...Tiistai 13.01.2009 02:08

I was walking down memory lane,
Throttling the feelings of pain...

I was walking on the beach,
Keeping doubts out of reach...

I had a look at the sands of time,
Could hear distant bells chime...

The hours when time itself stood still,
And I was walking while I still stood still...

I felt the heat of the sun beating,
I saw the sheath of life fleeting...

I could sense an awe that the past left,
Glimpses of what was there were best...

Can't believe I still have this!!!Maanantai 12.01.2009 03:13

From where I started to where I am today,
This journey has been long & tiring...

From nothing to something I am today,
ItÂ’s not been an easy journey that's all I have to say...

I found love,
but lost love too...

I found friends,
but lost them too...

I found money,
even lost that one too...

Today I stand facing the world,
ItÂ’s making me to start all over again...

While I want to feel love,
With whom I could start this journey all over again...

Should I still wait for someone to call?
Because now I'm having doubts that this love is gonna come along...
Love leads to pain,

Pain leads to hatred,

Hatred leads to sorrow,

Sorrow leads to despair,

Despair leads to pleasure,

Pleasure leads to happiness,

Happiness leads to love,

Love leads back to pain...

oops.... Identity...Maanantai 12.01.2009 02:56

Signifies complexity,
Identifies with reality,
Is the bearer of all vanity...

How does a person identify with identity?
What are the facts that makes your identity intact?
When change on identity has the last impact...
What kind of world is this?
This world I call my own,
Where even a young child,
Is afraid of going home...

A world in which a man will take innocence from a child,
Now their lives are lived in fear the memories going wild...

A world where you'll only be accepted,
If you are a fucking clone...

A world so full of shit a world so full of lies,
Can you spot the liars? Can you see it in their eyes?...

A world where self expression is pushed and made to fall,
Despised and destroyed to boost the egos of them all...

A world where daddies hit, a world where mommies scream,
Both killing their children,
Killing their hopes killing their dreams...

Perfect Painkiller...Perjantai 09.01.2009 01:36

You loved someone so much,
and the room that you are in,
reminds you of the person alot...

You try not to think about the past,
because it only brings memories,
that you know will last...

You make yourself busy,
and yet you are still checking,
if the person's phone line is busy...

You have been crying alot lately,
finding a perfect painkiller,
and hoping you will find shortly...

But the truth is,
a pain that is caused by love...

Will always be there,
bringing pain to your heart and mind,
and no painkillers can cure the sad memory of the past..

Geez what a life...Perjantai 09.01.2009 01:03

I wake up early in the morning,
Take my breakfast and a cup of coffee...

Go to shower, and be neat,
Go to school to be cool...

I'm sorry if I'm offending you,
Don't judge me you fool...

I'm just being myself,
So do the same shit as well...

If you don't like me,
Well, It's okay, I don't like you too...

I'm just being fair,
So don't be in despair...

If you got something to say,
Say it to my face...

Because you are looking like a coward,
Sitting on a fucking stool!

:DTorstai 08.01.2009 02:34

Now I'm going to sleep,

I didn't get any sleep last night,

So the fuck with it!

Try waking me up,

And I'll fuck you up with my fist!


What I think of it...Torstai 08.01.2009 02:32

Some people might say life sucks,
or life is full of shit...

While other people say life is beautiful,
or life is full of surprises...

I must say, I agree with all of those,

Life is whatever you think of it,
and everything you think of it...

Life is what you make of it,
and what you say of it...

Life is all about you and how you treat it,
Because, Life is YOU so be careful how you describe it...