
:DKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 21:48

Totally random thing to do...

I just got my nipple pierced!

About the next poem...Lauantai 04.04.2009 22:08

The next poem would be about a dragon and a human.

The human is just a normal slave who would become a hero/warrior that will save the whole kingdom.

On the hero's journey, he would need to ask for help from a holy serpent, which will eventually become a celestial dragon.


hmmmm? (thinking)Lauantai 04.04.2009 02:39

what could be the next poem I should write?

Readers? Any comments? =)

A poor Girl... EpilogueLauantai 04.04.2009 02:29

The girl and the guy still hangs out together.

They still have a thing to each other though but they just can't be in a realationship.

The reason is that, the girl is moving out from where they both live,
she moving because of her studies...

The guy refuses to have relationship with her because,
he didn't want to destroy everything they have now...

He thinks that once they started to be steady,
everything will go wrong... they're gonna have an arguement and so on...

He didn't want that... So? he explained to the girl the reasons,
the girl seemed to understood...

Ps to all readers of this poem I wrote...

They story behind the poem is true,
and the guy I was talking about is none other than me...

I had a good thing with her, I actually still have...

And I'm sorry for what I've done..

I know most of you think that I'm an asshole..
You can think that and you can say that to my face..

I know I kinda broke her heart,
damn it broke mine too...

A poor Girl... Part 5Lauantai 04.04.2009 02:13

As silence filled the place,
words in their mouth they cannot say...

He looked at her and she looked at him,
the light from the post became so dimmed...

The guy started speaking,
the words and their meanings...

He told the girl she is pretty,
but in his mind he feels pity...

The guy said sorry,
the girl's eyes became teary...

"You know I like you", he said,
"and I do like you too", she answered...

He held her tight while saying,
"I can't be the one that you are wishing"...

hahahahahahahh!Torstai 02.04.2009 00:42


my stomach hurts!! :D:D:D

seriously wth?!Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 23:58

i can't put any comments on anyone.. :/

oh that's a nice april fool..Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 19:16

but seriously???

Let me write my own comments!!!!!