


the Ghost in the Machine.

kaunista <3Sunnuntai 24.02.2008 23:41

How the fuck are you gonna make me feel better?!
Don't yell at me.
Don't yell at you? You fucking egoistic coming here with this fucking selfrighteous shit, you've got a bunch of money and this is gonna make me feel better?
You got everything alright....SUCK ON THIS!

I need to break away
From all the words you say
From all the Deeds you've done
From all the Faith you break

I need to get away
From all the time you waste
From all the rage you bring
From all the hope you take

This is a part of me
So deep inside of me
Engines fuelled by your scorn
I want you to hate this

Hate this you motherfucker!
Hate this!
You know who I am?! (x3)

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