
KISS: UH! All Night ( Paul Stanley)Maanantai 23.06.2008 17:43

Ewerywhere around the world
Everybody`s doin` time
Freedom comes at 5:15
Prison starts at quarter to nine
It takes a hard workin` lover
To keep on towin` the line
I`ll meet you under the covers
I get excited, I`m so excited


Well we work all day
And we don`t know why
Well there`s just one thing that money can`t buy
When your body`s been staved your appetite
You gotta UH! All Night

Take me to the jungel , Honey
We`re livin`in a human zoo
Getcha turnin`tricks for money
I`d rather roll around whit you
`Coswhen the waitin`is over
I come a runnin`to you
I got the whole night to show you
I get excited, I`m so excited


It takes a hard workin`lover
To keep on towin`the line
I`ll meet you under the covers
I get excited, I`m so excited


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