
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.06.2006 23:12

I just want to see you now
but now you love my friend
this is my end
I turn to light
it's a beautiful night
I love you
this is true
I don't lie
I'm just shy
and you're my lovestar in the sky. <3

What if I love you too much?
what if I love but can't touch?
why is you're heart so tough?
why is anything enough?

can't stop loving you,
why isn't this true?
I'm just a little girl without your love
and I love you from the bottom of my heart
why aren't you true?

Want you to be my only prince,
you have actually been it since
I made you in my mind,
you're someone I can't find.
why aren't you true?

Joo. tea runnoili taas.

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