



It isnÂ’t enoughKeskiviikko 28.05.2008 05:42

Still IÂ’m here waiting for the answers
Without hearing your voice

Why am I still crying?
My bittersweet memories
They are haunting me again
I want to let them go forever

It isnÂ’t enough if I forget you
It isnÂ’t enough if I run away
It isnÂ’t enough if I move on
I want to forgive you
I want to bless you

Can I see the new day arise?
Can I see the beauty of the nature?
I just want to be free
I donÂ’t want to hide anything

It isnÂ’t enough if I forget you
It isnÂ’t enough if I run away
It isnÂ’t enough if I move on
I want to forgive you
I want to bless you

I want to find the right way
I want to see all the truth
I want to be free like you are
I want to see things like you do

It isnÂ’t enough if I forget you
It isnÂ’t enough if I run away
It isnÂ’t enough if I move on
I want to forgive you
I want to bless you

(Lyrics: Helena Piispanen, 2008)

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