yea, my headlines are not making any sense anymore. no need to tell me.
such a boring day, morning i woke up depressed because of the weather, french class i tried to stay awake (no success) and now i should do homework but i feel more like telling it to fuck off.
but in every day there are good things: little miss Butterfly Ears was, as expected, full of joy when i finally came home after leaving her alone for the whole damn day. went outside with her, little barking for other dogs, then home again. then she licked my ears clean, joyfully of course.<3
mom coming home tonight, cool in a way but i can handle myself too, so i've learned. she feels bad for leaving me alone for such long times but hey, gotta get used to it sometimes, right? besides, if i had someone to hold, i wouldn't spend so much time home either. :D
eurovision this weekend. cold shivers. someone's gonna get us all laughed at, but i don't know yet who it will be. we'll see.