


tiesin että enkelit ovat kieroja kuin rinkelit

2010Perjantai 01.10.2010 01:03

Monta uutta kesäkaverii,
tällaista on ehkä olla nuori:
kerrankin unohtaa kaikki se vakava,
mitä on huomenna ja vittu ikinä.
mä tarviin aina jonkun johon asettaa toivon, sillä ilman sitä toivoa ei oo ja ilman toivoa ei jaksa kahlata tässä paskassa, toivo et mä pääsen perille, saa mut jatkamaan. Monesti mä oon asettanu toivon johonkin henkilöön ja todennu että; vittu ei tää toimikkaan ja joka kerta se viiltää samalla tavalla, se on vitun raskasta jatkaa taas, kun alkaa tottua pettymään, alkaa kyynistyä, tähän asti mä oon selvinny,
toivo ei oo menny
se on sussa.

ahdistava päivä ollutKeskiviikko 29.09.2010 22:51

viilaan varpaankynsii ja katon salkkareit

that's how life isMaanantai 27.09.2010 23:44

you eat, you're fat. you don't eat, you're a freak. you drink, you're an alcoholic. you don't drink, you're a pussy. you read, you're a nerd. you don't read, you're stupid. you tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. you don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking. you let someone in, you're easy. you don't let someone in, you're too uptight. you smoke, you think you're cool. you don't smoke, you're a loser. you've had sex, you're a slut. you haven't had sex, you're a frigid little bitch. you wear make up, you're a slag. you don't wear make up, you're ugly. you can't please anyone. ever.

HAJSOIN IHA SIKA NXDXDXDXDXDXDMaanantai 27.09.2010 00:24

emi sanoo:
miks repesin jotenkiXDDDDDDDD
mikaela sanoo:
koska mäki nauroin XD
emi sanoo:
XDD ainii ollaa samaa aivoo

You give a hundred reasons why
And say you're really gonna try
If I had a nickel for every time
I'd own the fucking bank

Thought that I was the exception
I could rewrite your addiction
You could have been the greatest
But you'd rather get wasted
Cause the pills you take are more your forte
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down
Can't be your savior, I don't have the power
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain
You think you're so rock and roll
But you're really just a joke
Had the world in the palm of your hands
But you fucking cho-oh-oh-oked

You say that you love me
You won't remember in the morning
I didn't feel
The fairytale feeling, no.
Am I a stupid girl
For even dreaming that I could.

fuck youKeskiviikko 22.09.2010 12:51

i don't need a man to make me feel good

:D:D:D:D:D:D:Sunnuntai 19.09.2010 19:58

suurin osa ei oikeesti osaa tehä nykyää mitää muuta ko dokaa.. hieno elämä tulossa !

that's how life isLauantai 18.09.2010 17:01

i'm trying to be strong and leave all shit behind me but i'm afraid that one day i can't take this anymore